Depends on your expectations, it's a trail centre rather than a bike park, mostly smoothish trails. About 13 miles round for the red/ black trail . The black hs nothing remotely difficult.
.in addition to the main loop, there's a small skills area, a pump track and freeride track
The cafe is good.
It's fun, but I wouldn't travel much more than an hour to get there.
I'd heard all the stories about how good it was and was distinctly underwhelmed. As stated, Black's are not difficult but it's a good enough trail centre and the cafe is good. £5 per car and, I think, £1 per additional occupant charged on entry.
I generally do two full laps of Black and Red when I go.
If my folks didn't live nearby I would never have bothered going back a second time. It's ok but as said not worth traveling far for.
I can ride from their farm to degla, do a full loop of the reds and blacks and home again, 26 mile round trip which is quite fun when I go to visit.