I did some sleuthing, and I was able to find some information on 2 new EXe Aluminum Models, the EXe 8 XT and EXe 8 GX AXS T-Type.
EXe 8 xt - https://www.elcykelpunkten.se/.../trek-fuel-exe-8-xt.../
- Satin Mercury & Nautical Navy
-86280kr / $7955 USD (rumor is that it will come in around $6600USD)
EXe 8 GX AXS T-Type - https://www.bridgeinncycles.com.au/fuel-exe-8-gx-axs-t...
- Green and Red
-11500AUD / $7677 USD
*Looks like both are spec'd with Fox Rhythm 36 and Performance Float X suspension
*I can't find anything on the alum base model
*there's a GX T-Type transmission coming out!
Given the choice between these two and the 9.8xt carbon, what would you purchase?

EXe 8 xt - https://www.elcykelpunkten.se/.../trek-fuel-exe-8-xt.../
- Satin Mercury & Nautical Navy
-86280kr / $7955 USD (rumor is that it will come in around $6600USD)
EXe 8 GX AXS T-Type - https://www.bridgeinncycles.com.au/fuel-exe-8-gx-axs-t...
- Green and Red
-11500AUD / $7677 USD
*Looks like both are spec'd with Fox Rhythm 36 and Performance Float X suspension
*I can't find anything on the alum base model
*there's a GX T-Type transmission coming out!
Given the choice between these two and the 9.8xt carbon, what would you purchase?

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