Mission Control - Smart Control


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
After trying blevo's various functions and egenesis to try and expand my range, I finally tried Specialized Smart Control.

Not sure why I've always ignored it ? Maybe because it's part of MC, which always seems slow to connect to the bike compared to Blevo so I don't bother with it. (like several minutes some times).

Anyway .. the OH said "Why don't you go out for a nice ride and enjoy the countryside and look around for a change" ...

After much bewilderment at her madness, I gave it a go.

Normally I max out at about 30km's max. Recently I've had a few less than 20km's, so did the Mission Control pre-set reset which seems to sort things out and get me back upto 40km's in Eco.

So today I thought I'd try the SMART CONTROL ! Phone charged and off we go .

50km's 800m's 2 hours with 10% left as parameters.

I have to say, everything felt really good. I thought it might feel like riding with the power off like my previous efforts to hit 50k. But it didn't. I'm guessing you can't use the eco/trail/turbo whilst it's in this mode (but might be wrong) and I'm also guessing that powerwise, it was like test riding a very very heavy Levo SL (I'm sure Spesh can confirm that from their figures).

After just under 40k, I still had about 40% battery left !!!! Never seen anything like that before, so headed off on a loop of the lake as I was already part way round.

Sadly, my phone battery went flat at about 45k. I think my torch must have come on at some point with the handlebar turning motion (you double karate chop for torch).

So I carefully limped home and rolled down hills for the last 15k and made it back with 7% left.

Probably one of the most overlooked functions and one which completely solves range anxiety !

So some Questions for @Specialized Rider Care on Smart Control.

When using the basic version (no heart control). You need to input distance, altitude to climb and time of ride.

I just guessed at these. Time for instance, I didn't know how much slower it would be so it's difficult to estimate.

So the question is, when inputting this information, which are the predominant variables it uses to calculate how much power to give you ? I ask, because you might not know all three with complete accuracy, so it would be important to focus on the most relevant one ?

For instance, If I put in 50k and only 100m climbing, would it let me use lots of power after I'd climbed 50m, thinking I was half way through ?

After 2 hours, 45k and 650m I had about 30% left. So does it use all of the numbers and try to make sure you can hit all of them ?

The second question. After I lost connection to the phone, I pressed mode down and it beeped, suggesting it wasn't in "eco".

If I'd not changed modes in the event of a phone disconnection, would the bike have continued to run with it's last known MC/SC settings ? So would I have been best not pressing anything to have a higher chance of reaching my destination ?

The third question. Due to the number of trees down, I had to walk away from the bike a few times with the phone in my pocket and lost connection. It didn't seem to auto-restart and when I checked my phone it asked if I wanted to continue the ride. Does it do this automatically after a pre-determined time, and if not, can it - or you might get "caught short".

I didn't have a clue where I was, so eventually the phone went on the bars so I could use the map :) Using the sun works fairly well, but when it's dense cloud/rain/hail .. it's less effective.
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Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
I don't use Mission Control for live tracking as it really sucks the juice. Have been using ridewithgps for tracking my rides and just use MC for adjusting things.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I don't use Mission Control for live tracking
You don't use Mission Control for tracking because you think the evil Spesh empire are watching your every move and using it to work out what you'll be making for dinner that evening. :p:alien: It's not instagram you know, it's not listening to every word you say for focused advertising.

I checked my phone battery a few times earlier on the ride and battery usage was minimal, which was surprising, so they might have tweaked things. I know with Blevo and smart power , that sucks my phone battery, it's normally a race for phone or bike as to which will be flat first.

I'd say give it another go, you might like it. You don't have to have the map screen up and running all the time. It's just handy to have there within the MC app so you don't have to run another app up to see where you are if you're lost.

Ah .. another question for @Specialized Rider Care - Question 4.

Lets just say hypothetically, if anyone had accidentally configured their wheels size/speed limit to be different from standard, would Smart Control use the bikes systems calculated distance travelled (which could be lower than actual) or GPS, which would be accurate, to determine distance travelled/distance remaining ?


Nov 3, 2019
North Yorkshire
So today I thought I'd try the SMART CONTROL ! Phone charged and off we go .

50km's 800m's 2 hours with 10% left as parameters.

My MC doesn't allow those 4 options at once under Smart Control!!
Under the DURATION heading i have: Ride length (in Time terms), elevation, and Battery remaining (I'm ignoring 'Climb Response' for the purpose of this posting)

Under DISTANCE heading i have: Ride length (in Distance terms), elevation, and Battery remaining

I don't know how you're managing to set the ride length as a time and the actual ride distance at the same time.............. if you see what i mean! :)

But i'm a newbie to all this so i might have it wrong........only trying to give a bit back as I've learnt a lot from you guys!

IMG_0306.PNG IMG_0307.PNG


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
But i'm a newbie to all this so i might have it wrong
I'm a muppet, so I've normally got it wrong :)

It was my first time using it and I was keen to head off, maybe I should have played with it a bit more to understand it first.... :cautious::sleep::sleep:

So had a look now and you're right, you can't configure all those setting as I said under one option screen. I guess I thought they were optional and the more info you gave it between the screens, the more it would have to work with.

It appears that you can input the information on either screen, such as remaining elevation, and that information moves to the other screen if you change. However, the actual support provided is based on the last option screen you set things on - Duration or Distance.... (so I'm answering my own spesh questions :) )

Some example configurations, it also shows you the smart control level at the bottom based on the settings you've chosen - but says this will adjust dynamically, however, it gives you a guide.

So on Distance. 60k , no height .. no idea what climb response is, and 50% battery left at the end .. gives 20% support.


Throw in 900m climbing and you're down to 10% support.


Drop it to 10% battery remaining and you're at 15% support.


Increase to 2000m and you're back at 10% support.


Change to duration and have just over an hour to climb your 2000m, but with no set distance and you're back upto 15% support.


Interesting ..

And as stated - Muppet ... just found 6th February response from Rider care on this subject ! Sorry SRC !! :)

New Mission Control features - EMTB Forums

Copied from there :

Smart Control is an algorithm based on lots of ride data. Activating Smart Control means you don’t have to worry about the mode setting or battery capacity during your ride. Constantly during the ride, the system will calculate multiple parameters such as energy consumed, time/distance/elevation completed and remaining. The motor output will be adjusted based on that calculation. You ride, Smart Control does the rest.

There are several options to have Smart Control automatically control the motor output.

Heart Rate Control

You choose your target heart rate for your ride. With this information, the power output of the bike is dependent on your actual heart rate. The aim for you is to hit your target heart rate and maintain it throughout the ride. In general, bike support will decrease below the threshold and you will get more support if your heart rate exceeds it. It works with some intended limitations, for example: if you keep pushing harder than your target, at some point you cannot get more support. On the other hand, if you hardly get near your target, there will always be motor support (min. 10%). To use this function, you need to pair a Bluetooth heart rate belt (go to 'Settings' - 'My Sensors').

Elevation Support

This function takes into account elevation to control motor support. With you defining your expected elevation, the motor will give you more power on climbs and less power riding flat. This way, Smart Control gives you more support where you need it most, resulting in more accurate range control. Note: The precision of your mobile device elevation sensor is important. In case of GPS based elevation detection only, elevation might not be 100% accurate.

Climb Response

This setting allows you to experience a smooth motor support during your ride. If you set Climb Response to say ‘50m’, the system will only react after you gained more than 50m of elevation – the motor support would remain unchanged when riding up and down with less elevation difference.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Had another play with this today .. there were some good points and some bad points ..

Good points..

As I think might have already been said, if you have it on the Stats page, you can hold your finger on any of the fields and change them to other things .. For instance, I changed one to "rider power" to see how lazy I was actually being. And changed another to "motor power" to see if I would have been better off on a Levo SL or even a bike with no motor at all.

I did 40k and 850 climbing and still had about 35% battery left - which is highly unusual for me.

Bad points..

It dynamically changes the assistance you receive as your ride. Theoretically increasing it on climbs and reducing it on the flat. Well, I went downhill and that was fine .. then slogged back uphill with 10% assistance.. then got on the flat and it upped it to 70% assistance .. then went downhill and it upped it to 90% assistance .. Pressing the mode button beeped but made no changes.

I checked and smart control was still "on" .. it then wobbled down to 25% .. A few minutes later I checked again and smart control was now "off" .. for no reason ? Turned it back on - it still new the remaining altitude, but the distance had dropped from 55k to 20k - so reset that and off we go again.

Some time later, it started being a bit weird again (I'd had the screen off, unlike the first bit where I had it on to monitor things). Checked again and Smart Control had turned itself off again. So turned it on, but then noticed it had been chewing phone battery at 1% every 90 seconds (screen off). So maybe the might @Rusty is right and MC in some circumstances eats your battery. I'd re-started the phone before I set off to make sure I didn't run flat again and disabled the flick for torch. So at this point I disabled MC to make sure I didn't run the phone flat.

So for @dobbyhasfriends keep an eye on your phone battery, it might just be my phone or clashing with something (I had strava running).


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
Had another play with this today .. there were some good points and some bad points ..

Good points..

As I think might have already been said, if you have it on the Stats page, you can hold your finger on any of the fields and change them to other things .. For instance, I changed one to "rider power" to see how lazy I was actually being. And changed another to "motor power" to see if I would have been better off on a Levo SL or even a bike with no motor at all.

I did 40k and 850 climbing and still had about 35% battery left - which is highly unusual for me.

Bad points..

It dynamically changes the assistance you receive as your ride. Theoretically increasing it on climbs and reducing it on the flat. Well, I went downhill and that was fine .. then slogged back uphill with 10% assistance.. then got on the flat and it upped it to 70% assistance .. then went downhill and it upped it to 90% assistance .. Pressing the mode button beeped but made no changes.

I checked and smart control was still "on" .. it then wobbled down to 25% .. A few minutes later I checked again and smart control was now "off" .. for no reason ? Turned it back on - it still new the remaining altitude, but the distance had dropped from 55k to 20k - so reset that and off we go again.

Some time later, it started being a bit weird again (I'd had the screen off, unlike the first bit where I had it on to monitor things). Checked again and Smart Control had turned itself off again. So turned it on, but then noticed it had been chewing phone battery at 1% every 90 seconds (screen off). So maybe the might @Rusty is right and MC in some circumstances eats your battery. I'd re-started the phone before I set off to make sure I didn't run flat again and disabled the flick for torch. So at this point I disabled MC to make sure I didn't run the phone flat.

So for @dobbyhasfriends keep an eye on your phone battery, it might just be my phone or clashing with something (I had strava running).
As a person working with software the above mentioned issues just confirm what I have already said about the specialized sw development center. It is embarrassing that a company this size cannot do something as simple as the MC. I bet that there are 10+ highly paid engineers/programmers sitting there developing proper crap. As a comparison see what one person can do in his free time with BLevo.......
If I was responsible I would sack them all and start from scratch.



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
As a person working with software the above mentioned issues just confirm what I have already said about the specialized sw development center. It is embarrassing that a company this size cannot do something as simple as the MC. I bet that there are 10+ highly paid engineers/programmers sitting there developing proper crap. As a comparison see what one person can do in his free time with BLevo.......
If I was responsible I would sack them all and start from scratch.

I still haven't worked out why the app is 30 times the size of blevo. It's not like it does firmware updates and it doesn't have the navigation anymore.

Oh well. I think there's been enough spesh bashing lately.. it's time we all enter the happy hippy zone .. ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
from what you say it sounds like its power demand / output is inverted....
I have found @Zimmerframe that if I run mission control AND strava, if fucks up mission control... never the other way around

It does .. So could be a software bug or ... they cover themselves in the spec about it being important that your phones altitude sensor is accurate .... so might be a problem they had and couldn't suss it out and covered themselves ?!? Still, it gets you fit :)

Might have to try it with just MC. I started running MC and Strava together when I had weird results from MC.

It works great in theory and the other day gave good results, apart from flat phone 15k from the end. Today's was just odd - but then it might be that changing the display fields confuses it ?! That would be some weird fecked up programming.. :) It's so damned big I'm not even going to start looking.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
Aparently MC have not been tested up against one of the absolute most popular cycling app/community - Not surprised at all if that is the case......:ROFLMAO:


Jeff H

Well-known member
May 19, 2019
San Jose, CA, USA
Had another play with this today .. there were some good points and some bad points ..

Good points..

As I think might have already been said, if you have it on the Stats page, you can hold your finger on any of the fields and change them to other things .. For instance, I changed one to "rider power" to see how lazy I was actually being. And changed another to "motor power" to see if I would have been better off on a Levo SL or even a bike with no motor at all.

I did 40k and 850 climbing and still had about 35% battery left - which is highly unusual for me.

Bad points..

It dynamically changes the assistance you receive as your ride. Theoretically increasing it on climbs and reducing it on the flat. Well, I went downhill and that was fine .. then slogged back uphill with 10% assistance.. then got on the flat and it upped it to 70% assistance .. then went downhill and it upped it to 90% assistance .. Pressing the mode button beeped but made no changes.

I checked and smart control was still "on" .. it then wobbled down to 25% .. A few minutes later I checked again and smart control was now "off" .. for no reason ? Turned it back on - it still new the remaining altitude, but the distance had dropped from 55k to 20k - so reset that and off we go again.

Some time later, it started being a bit weird again (I'd had the screen off, unlike the first bit where I had it on to monitor things). Checked again and Smart Control had turned itself off again. So turned it on, but then noticed it had been chewing phone battery at 1% every 90 seconds (screen off). So maybe the might @Rusty is right and MC in some circumstances eats your battery. I'd re-started the phone before I set off to make sure I didn't run flat again and disabled the flick for torch. So at this point I disabled MC to make sure I didn't run the phone flat.

So for @dobbyhasfriends keep an eye on your phone battery, it might just be my phone or clashing with something (I had strava running).
Next time it’s giving you low support on a climb hit the turbo button on the front of the handlebar control. That worked for me but it has a mind if it’s own on how long it lasts before switching back. I still prefer Blevo due to all those bad points.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Update from today ..

Tried changing modes part way into the ride in a moment of lazyness ... Made the beep, but no change to assistance. Checked the assist settings in MC and it say they were correct (25.35/40.70/100.100). Restarted bike and continued .. the same ..

So it looks like senile control from yesterday has overridden the default displayed assistance settings.

Used the "Presets" option to reset the bike ... Assistance started working as normal.

On the bright side, I was 7k from home and 200m climb left with 14% battery. So set smart control to 10k and 250m and it got me home with 5% left.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
After trying blevo's various functions and egenesis to try and expand my range, I finally tried Specialized Smart Control.

Not sure why I've always ignored it ? Maybe because it's part of MC, which always seems slow to connect to the bike compared to Blevo so I don't bother with it. (like several minutes some times).

Anyway .. the OH said "Why don't you go out for a nice ride and enjoy the countryside and look around for a change" ...

After much bewilderment at her madness, I gave it a go.

Normally I max out at about 30km's max. Recently I've had a few less than 20km's, so did the Mission Control pre-set reset which seems to sort things out and get me back upto 40km's in Eco.

So today I thought I'd try the SMART CONTROL ! Phone charged and off we go .

50km's 800m's 2 hours with 10% left as parameters.

I have to say, everything felt really good. I thought it might feel like riding with the power off like my previous efforts to hit 50k. But it didn't. I'm guessing you can't use the eco/trail/turbo whilst it's in this mode (but might be wrong) and I'm also guessing that powerwise, it was like test riding a very very heavy Levo SL (I'm sure Spesh can confirm that from their figures).

After just under 40k, I still had about 40% battery left !!!! Never seen anything like that before, so headed off on a loop of the lake as I was already part way round.

Sadly, my phone battery went flat at about 45k. I think my torch must have come on at some point with the handlebar turning motion (you double karate chop for torch).

So I carefully limped home and rolled down hills for the last 15k and made it back with 7% left.

Probably one of the most overlooked functions and one which completely solves range anxiety !

So some Questions for @Specialized Rider Care on Smart Control.

When using the basic version (no heart control). You need to input distance, altitude to climb and time of ride.

I just guessed at these. Time for instance, I didn't know how much slower it would be so it's difficult to estimate.

So the question is, when inputting this information, which are the predominant variables it uses to calculate how much power to give you ? I ask, because you might not know all three with complete accuracy, so it would be important to focus on the most relevant one ?

For instance, If I put in 50k and only 100m climbing, would it let me use lots of power after I'd climbed 50m, thinking I was half way through ?

After 2 hours, 45k and 650m I had about 30% left. So does it use all of the numbers and try to make sure you can hit all of them ?

The second question. After I lost connection to the phone, I pressed mode down and it beeped, suggesting it wasn't in "eco".

If I'd not changed modes in the event of a phone disconnection, would the bike have continued to run with it's last known MC/SC settings ? So would I have been best not pressing anything to have a higher chance of reaching my destination ?

The third question. Due to the number of trees down, I had to walk away from the bike a few times with the phone in my pocket and lost connection. It didn't seem to auto-restart and when I checked my phone it asked if I wanted to continue the ride. Does it do this automatically after a pre-determined time, and if not, can it - or you might get "caught short".

I didn't have a clue where I was, so eventually the phone went on the bars so I could use the map :) Using the sun works fairly well, but when it's dense cloud/rain/hail .. it's less effective.
So if phone goes what happens , am I right in thinking as app/Bluetooth not working it goes all to pot ?. Been meaning to try it but waiting till I do a 40 miler I am looking at.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Not sure .. the "phone" is effectively just another app running, so MC should carry on running just fine.

Just keep an eye on your phone battery every now and again.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Not sure .. the "phone" is effectively just another app running, so MC should carry on running just fine.

Just keep an eye on your phone battery every now and again.
You were doing so well too then I read a few more posts and over my head it went
Would I maybe just be as well putting assistance at 10 percent on eco and trying that. When I tested on eco in August I got 42 miles with 1000 mtrs climbing about 10 percent battery left then ,
can't see me wanting to do more than that . 700 battery i have. I will test it some time. Blevo looks too complex for me not really interested in a lot of it and as you say just enjoying the trip is enough really.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Yesterdays ride I was on 15% for most of it (500wh) 39k 1350m , 5% left. My bike/me/local terrain - something , seems to always give poor range results though.

I know a lot of people like the blevo option, I found the power kept varying too much and not when I wanted it too (I'm sure more time invested would improve things) also range was lacking again and it also flattened my phone.

For simplicity, yes, you could just set Eco at 10/15. Then maybe set Trail as 20/30 so you've got it for any nasty climbs where you're stalling out - presumably it's only what Smart Control would do (when it's working properly) but only once you've climbed through the "climb response" threshold. Should give you good range. I think you're on a 2.1, so you'll have "shuttle" which would want dropping to 0.

I have noticed that when running on 10 or 15% assist, or flat, that there have been times I've wished I had my 32t front ring and not the 36t !


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Yesterdays ride I was on 15% for most of it (500wh) 39k 1350m , 5% left. My bike/me/local terrain - something , seems to always give poor range results though.

I know a lot of people like the blevo option, I found the power kept varying too much and not when I wanted it too (I'm sure more time invested would improve things) also range was lacking again and it also flattened my phone.

For simplicity, yes, you could just set Eco at 10/15. Then maybe set Trail as 20/30 so you've got it for any nasty climbs where you're stalling out - presumably it's only what Smart Control would do (when it's working properly) but only once you've climbed through the "climb response" threshold. Should give you good range. I think you're on a 2.1, so you'll have "shuttle" which would want dropping to 0.

I have noticed that when running on 10 or 15% assist, or flat, that there have been times I've wished I had my 32t front ring and not the 36t !
Yes i will plod on happy with range i get . Just have few long runs in remote areas would love to try. Cycling with flat battery for more than a couple of miles off road is not an option I want to try.


Active member
Jun 24, 2019
After trying blevo's various functions and egenesis to try and expand my range, I finally tried Specialized Smart Control.

Not sure why I've always ignored it ? Maybe because it's part of MC, which always seems slow to connect to the bike compared to Blevo so I don't bother with it. (like several minutes some times).

Anyway .. the OH said "Why don't you go out for a nice ride and enjoy the countryside and look around for a change" ...

After much bewilderment at her madness, I gave it a go.

Normally I max out at about 30km's max. Recently I've had a few less than 20km's, so did the Mission Control pre-set reset which seems to sort things out and get me back upto 40km's in Eco.

So today I thought I'd try the SMART CONTROL ! Phone charged and off we go .

50km's 800m's 2 hours with 10% left as parameters.

I have to say, everything felt really good. I thought it might feel like riding with the power off like my previous efforts to hit 50k. But it didn't. I'm guessing you can't use the eco/trail/turbo whilst it's in this mode (but might be wrong) and I'm also guessing that powerwise, it was like test riding a very very heavy Levo SL (I'm sure Spesh can confirm that from their figures).

After just under 40k, I still had about 40% battery left !!!! Never seen anything like that before, so headed off on a loop of the lake as I was already part way round.

Sadly, my phone battery went flat at about 45k. I think my torch must have come on at some point with the handlebar turning motion (you double karate chop for torch).

So I carefully limped home and rolled down hills for the last 15k and made it back with 7% left.

Probably one of the most overlooked functions and one which completely solves range anxiety !

So some Questions for @Specialized Rider Care on Smart Control.

When using the basic version (no heart control). You need to input distance, altitude to climb and time of ride.

I just guessed at these. Time for instance, I didn't know how much slower it would be so it's difficult to estimate.

So the question is, when inputting this information, which are the predominant variables it uses to calculate how much power to give you ? I ask, because you might not know all three with complete accuracy, so it would be important to focus on the most relevant one ?

For instance, If I put in 50k and only 100m climbing, would it let me use lots of power after I'd climbed 50m, thinking I was half way through ?

After 2 hours, 45k and 650m I had about 30% left. So does it use all of the numbers and try to make sure you can hit all of them ?

The second question. After I lost connection to the phone, I pressed mode down and it beeped, suggesting it wasn't in "eco".

If I'd not changed modes in the event of a phone disconnection, would the bike have continued to run with it's last known MC/SC settings ? So would I have been best not pressing anything to have a higher chance of reaching my destination ?

The third question. Due to the number of trees down, I had to walk away from the bike a few times with the phone in my pocket and lost connection. It didn't seem to auto-restart and when I checked my phone it asked if I wanted to continue the ride. Does it do this automatically after a pre-determined time, and if not, can it - or you might get "caught short".

I didn't have a clue where I was, so eventually the phone went on the bars so I could use the map :) Using the sun works fairly well, but when it's dense cloud/rain/hail .. it's less effective.
@Specialized Rider Care - I would be also interested to see answer on this post. Especcially to loosing connectivity of SmartControl. Regular after 5-10 min SmartControl turned off and went to ECO. Not sure if the issue belong to iPhone (7) or to a settlement. Are these issue known?
ps. the MC seems to be interesting again to me compare to earlier days (V1.2).

Specialized Rider Care

Official Specialized
Official Specialized
Jul 12, 2018
@Specialized Rider Care - I would be also interested to see answer on this post. Especially to loosing connectivity of SmartControl. Regular after 5-10 min SmartControl turned off and went to ECO. Not sure if the issue belong to iPhone (7) or to a settlement. Are these issue known?
ps. the MC seems to be interesting again to me compare to earlier days (V1.2).

Hi @Mondfuchs - sorry to miss this question earlier. Do you still have issues with losing SmartControl and the bike returning to standard mode control? If so have you seen a pattern and could you share your bike model and phone model?
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Nov 3, 2019
North Yorkshire
Hi @Mondfuchs - sorry to miss this question earlier. Do you still have issues with loosing SmartControl and the bike returning to standard mode control? If so have you seen a pattern and could you share your bike model and phone model?

Mine does the same, the display turns off (the 'Display Always Active' in MC is switched on) and disconnects and returns back to standard mode. I cant remember any particular pattern, I went back to Blevo......... a shame because I like the ease of MC. Although I'll probably stick with Blevo anyhow because can't download tracks / gpx files to MC. (although I'm sure I've seen someone / something that says it can!)

PS - LEVO Comp Carbon 2019 & iPhone 8.
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Nov 9, 2019
Hi All,

Just FYI we fixed a bug where SMART control would cut out prematurely. In the latest version of the app (2.2.1) this should not happen - we also added a minimum support slider for HR control as requested by a few riders on this forum.

My latest version of mission control has been disconnecting from the bike unexpectedly and randomly over the past three days.
Bike- 2019 Levo Expert
App version 2.2.1
iPhone 11 Pro
I use Smart Control/Heart rate setting every time. Love this feature by the way!!

Here is a screenshot of the error I get. Problem is, I never know when the app disconnects because I keep the phone in my jersey. Any suggestions???? Thanks.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Lot of folk get this , Bluetooth is not bombproof . Unless you are anul about recording exact mileage etc does it really matter. I get it occasionally so when I stop for a piece I sometimes check most times it is ok so ??? Like you my phone is in my rucksack so don't check .


Nov 9, 2019
Lot of folk get this , Bluetooth is not bombproof . Unless you are anul about recording exact mileage etc does it really matter. I get it occasionally so when I stop for a piece I sometimes check most times it is ok so ??? Like you my phone is in my rucksack so don't check .

I guess as long as Smart control is still running using the same settings, I don’t really care about the mileage, etc. I have my Garmin for that.
I’m just concerned that the smart control has disconnected and not working properly.

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