Memory Loss Biking on Vitus Esommet for laughs


Sep 2, 2019
Went out three days ago on some forest single track and approached a well known 3 foot log kicker located between two trees no more than a bar width apart. Much to my dismay in my haste to get out on the trail I had forgotten to tighten my handlebars and stem headset enough as I had been servicing them an hour or so earlier. As I came to the kicker at full thrash and went to compress and push down on the bars just before the jump imagining the sweet air time my bars spun upside down and turned to one side, no control.......aaaaaaahhhhhhh!....... fuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! no option just held on decided to crash directly into one of the trees as best I could at the top of the kicker as opposed to being mangled in the bike in a totally uncontrollable jump into numerous large trees....almost tore my nuts and groin area off as I moved to one side to avoid my skull being mashed on the tree acting as my the aftermath I did laugh in between the sweeping waves of pain and calling myself a total dick and the almost certain end to having any children. Important lesson never rush the fixes on your bike before a trail ride on your own...and I have said this to myself many times in the past.... Dementia is not far away I think. Bike was ok. ??

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