Looking for EMTB Groups in Oregon


New Member
Feb 27, 2023
I am a disabled rider and professional software/electrical engineer looking for EMTB groups in Oregon that might be working with the state, USFS, and other agencies to open trail access to specifically class 1 EMTB.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
You would be hard pressed to find even one cohesive EMTB group in the OR I am afraid. But perhaps you can start one.....

The class laws are not in effect in Oregon but eBikes are as you suggest not able to legally access state, USFS and BLM land, including beaches, that don't allow motorized access so arguing Class 1 ability to do so would not be the right path to go because of that?

I have been riding eBikes here in the OR for years and just follow proper trail etiquette that I have used in my 40yrs of mtb experience and primarily I ride where there is little to no trail use to begin with. I realize that the proliferation of the popularity of eBikes in general will bring bad actors out but in my experience there are plenty of those that ride regular mtb's. Especially in regards to giving way to uphill traffic which seems to have gone by the by. At least with an eBike it is easier to give way and get going again.

The state is aware of eBikes and has been approached several times by their industry lobby arm People For Bikes but to date have been unsucessful. Here is a link to a booklet that was produced by some PDX cycling advocates:

This firm has been instrumental in advocating for cyclists right in OR for years and they all are avid riders. In fact Ray is one of my riding buddies although he is more road oriented than single track but fun to ride with nonetheless!


New Member
Feb 27, 2023
@Mabman thank you for the info, I will be looking into People for Bikes.
It has been a good 3 years since I have been able to mountain bike, single track, and I thought my only option was going to be a dirtbike to get me back into the mountains. A good friend and bike shop owner finally convinced me to give EMTB a try, taking delivery of my new Trek Rail last month.
This bike has been transformative, I am so excited to get out and ride, access trails. While I will always love dirtbikes, this EMTB has replaced my desire to buy one for offroad riding. Not I or the people I have met and started riding with will ever beat anyone up or down a trail on our EMTBs, as an engineer I find it baffling this is an issue at all


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
"I find it baffling this is an issue at all'

You missed my point that here it doesn't seem to be and drawing attention to have "laws" that discriminate via "Class" is at this time not necessary? I personally have a throttle on my bike and for the 100' or so that it gets used in a days riding to me is well worth having on board so your proposal to not allow bikes that have one are not of use to me and even if implemented here in the OR I would happily ignore.


New Member
Feb 27, 2023
Ah I see, yes I did miss your point, I have heard the same from others deeper involved in the bike industry.
I think a more accurate description of my "proposal" would be unrelated to making/changing laws that allow/forbid, rather the specific characterization of a purely peddle assist ebike as a motorized vehicle while might be technically correct, it is intellectually dishonest and lazy; I'm quite sure I can pull up a good number of research papers that characterize a human body as a "motor".
Either way, I feel we are generally in agreement, as a native Oregonian who's family homesteaded here I too have no use for additional laws/restrictions.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
At this time the USFS standing here: Electronic Bicycle Use | US Forest Service is nationwide and although they do recognize the Class laws even with the lobbying power of PFB (manufacturers) remain unchanged. Once again on a nationwide basis, not just here in the OR.

There does seem to be some wiggle room if enough pressure is brought onto the managers of a certain area and all i's dotted and t's crossed as laid out in the above. So your idea of an EMTB coalition would be necessary and many notices and meetings in store. Here is the list of all the MTB clubs in OR: Mountain Bike Clubs and Organizations in Oregon Can pretty much guarantee they won't be much help at this point but could be in the future?

Here in Tillamook Co. where I reside there is some movement afoot to establish a trail system down by PCity up in the hills on USFS land but haven't heard anything new about it for awhile. Rode with the guy spearheading the thing but have lost touch with him and interest overall in the project due to their stance on eBikes.

Not sure what part of OR you are native to but I have ridden eBike at Rocky Point many times, and did so long before it was taken over by NWTA, or even had an eBike for that matter. I also have ridden all sections of the Wilson River Trail although it is state land. Have ridden around Saddle Mtn. on logging roads which isn't illegal because I had a Greenwood Resources access permit but it was a nice ride.....Done rides in Hood River, across the Plains of Abraham and skirted the Wilderness in the Steens and circumnavigated the Alvord Desert. Ridden every stretch of beach between the South Jetty of the Columbia to the Sitka Sedge the other side of Cape Lookout. All without conflict.

In other words just ride responsibly, be courteous and if someone gives you grief take into account it they have the proper authority to do so and use your best judgement or your middle finger as the case warrants. Someone would have to be pretty darn dumb to give someone with a disability a hard time anyway. Good on you for getting out there!

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