Everyone has different preferences for use.bike for people who don’t really understand biking
Everyone has different preferences for use.bike for people who don’t really understand biking
IMO it’s a bike for people who don’t really understand biking.
This is spot on.I'm going to stick this in with the title part "And assorted random chat ...."
You might have to quantify that some more ??
People who don't really understand biking ??
Amflow - for Nordic walkers, waterskiers, darts players, knitters, skydivers, origamists, gynaecologist (I'm making the giant presumptuous leap that as Dentists seem to be the default S-Works purchasers, then people who work downstairs don't do bikes). This excludes anyone who has cross over interests and only the ones who have never ridden a bike, never owned a bike and never will own or ride a bike.
If I'm to understand correctly, a bike with a new motor (more motors is a good thing) which is smaller, lighter, more powerful and has more torque than all the other main stream motors. Is faster at climbing than most of the other bikes which conform to the same power rules (one of the main reasons we have an EMTB is because we want to climb faster than on an MTB - for me anyway). A bike with nice handlebar controls and a nicely integrated display. A bike with good default support settings within it's modes. A bike which can give great range and altitude if ridden appropriately.
OK, it's not PERFECT - what bike is and it certainly won't be PERFECT for everyone - but again, what bike is. Lots of it's default specs aren't everyones cup of tea - but again - this is the same with many bikes and we change things - it's part of "biking" ..
Effectively, a bike which would probably suit 80-90% of riders here straight out of the box if they ignore their pre-conceptions ? But it's only for people who don't understand biking ??? Help me here !
The weird thing is that everyone who seems to sprout out their negative views on the bike are people who don't have one - Whereas the people who do have one all seem to love it. I'm yet to read of anyone who's said "sh1t, why did I buy this bike, I clearly don't understand biking, why didn't I buy a goldfish"
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