Levo cuts out at 17mph (27kph)


May 4, 2018
Mine used to cut out at 25kph, changed the diameter in mission control to 2000 and now it cuts out around 28-29kph.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
SF Bay Area
i just wanted to update this thread with my experience with my 2018 levo. i noticed that my assist was cutting out at 17mph (mission control) with actual speed being 15mph (gps). i brought the bike into my LBS and they updated the firmware which increased speed to 19-20 indicated in the mission control app, but only 17-18 mph on GPS. when I asked about this, they mentioned that spesh is cutting out a bit early to allow for a more gradual transition. while it is a bit smoother than the previous firmware, it is by no means a gradual transition. i bike to the trails and this is only a problem when i'm on tarmac. I have both the light blue and blevo apps and am considering changing the wheel diameter to help get me up to a decent cruising speed of about 22mph which is difficult to achieve on flat ground with the drag of the motor. anyone who says to peddle harder has no idea. 22mph on my analog mtb is not a problem so it's not a user issue :)


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
If you think the Brose is draggy (it's not) you really wouldn't like a Bosch motor.

Your analogue MTB is probably half the weight of your Levo and almost certainly on skinnier tyres.


Founding Member
Feb 3, 2018
i just wanted to update this thread with my experience with my 2018 levo. i noticed that my assist was cutting out at 17mph (mission control) with actual speed being 15mph (gps). i brought the bike into my LBS and they updated the firmware which increased speed to 19-20 indicated in the mission control app, but only 17-18 mph on GPS. when I asked about this, they mentioned that spesh is cutting out a bit early to allow for a more gradual transition. while it is a bit smoother than the previous firmware, it is by no means a gradual transition. i bike to the trails and this is only a problem when i'm on tarmac. I have both the light blue and blevo apps and am considering changing the wheel diameter to help get me up to a decent cruising speed of about 22mph which is difficult to achieve on flat ground with the drag of the motor. anyone who says to peddle harder has no idea. 22mph on my analog mtb is not a problem so it's not a user issue :)
It’s the wall affect, not the bikes wall, but your wall.
Pedal with assistance and you are not really using your muscles ect. Then the assistance cuts out and your muscles go into shock as they have to work all of a sudden, and work hard to push the extra weight and Tyre width resistance.
Specialized do a good job of tapering off the power which lessens this affect. Make sure you got the latest firmware on both motor and battery. The Brose motor has no drag after the power cuts off as there are 2 sprag clutches in the system. One totally disconnects the motor from the driveline. The only way you would feel drag of the motor is if the clutch is faulty. If your crank spins freely backwards it should be all good. If it starts turning the chain or feels hard to turn then maybe water has got into the sprag clutch and it’s rusted and sticky.


Feb 4, 2022
Sant Celoni
Recientemente estuve prestando atención a la velocidad de mi Levo mientras pedaleaba y noté que la asistencia eléctrica corta alrededor de 16.5-17mpg (~26-27kph); es un Turbo Levo Carbon Comp 2018. El diámetro de mi llanta está establecido en 2255, e incluso modifiqué el diámetro usando la aplicación Mission Control para ajustar las llantas más pequeñas pensando que falsificaría al Levo para aumentar la velocidad máxima de la asistencia, pero no noté ningún cambio significativo.

Llamé a la sede de Specialized en California y me dijeron que los Levos están ajustados de acuerdo con las reglas establecidas por cada país, que ya sabía. Ella dijo que la única sugerencia era ponerse en contacto con el distribuidor. Sé que aquí en los Estados Unidos (EE. UU.) el límite es de 20 mph para una clase 1; el Levo, por supuesto, es una clase 1.

Así que me puse en contacto con el distribuidor donde compré mi bicicleta (la obtuve el 20 de enero de este año) y el tipo más informado dijo que redujeron la velocidad a propósito antes de la velocidad máxima requerida. Le dije que cortar a 3 mph antes del corte legal parece una brecha bastante grande. Su respuesta fue que tratar de pedalear más rápido que 17 mph, digamos 19 mph, bajar un poco y tratar de pedalear de nuevo. Si la asistencia se activa, entonces las cosas parecen normales. Intenté eso y no obtengo ninguna ayuda adicional. Entonces parece que 16.5-17 mph es mi límite máximo y eso me decepciona.

Quiero señalar que no me estoy quejando de eso, la bicicleta es genial y me encanta, pero me molesta un poco si el corte es a las 20 p. m., al menos debería acercarme a eso antes de que realmente se corte. ¿Alguien se ha encontrado con esto mismo? ¿Alguna idea para los propietarios de Levo? Planeo traer mi bicicleta para que la revisen en la tienda de bicicletas, pero me interesaría recibir comentarios para compartir con ellos antes de hacerlo.

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