Ah i wish i could do that comparison, like you i started on mobile phone then onto cheap ebay camera which i ran over lol, bought a slightly improved cheap amazon one but when i got my akaso i deleted nearly all of them to replace with akaso footage. I will keep the older videos from akaso on my channel but i have a wierd OCD and i cant help deleting older stuff .I think you should post your first ever ride edit and do the same ride using the GoPro and then post that, side by side, so we can see how they compare. A now & then scenario
I went through exactly the same ‘camera’ progression when filming motorbike rides. Started on a mobile phone, then a cheap Amazon (Apeman) camera, then a Drift Ghost. Tried using the Drift Ghost on an mtb ride but the stabilisation was shite so purchased the GoPro
Edit: I just checked and do still have a few older ( 2nd cheap cam generation ) videos lol.