How's your Decoy doing in the cold? (below 0 C)


Active member
Nov 12, 2020
How is your Decoy holding up in colder weather? It just got cold again here in Finland, cold enough for the snow on the trails to pack and freeze, which means that they are good to ride. Finally pumped the tires, checked everything and took the doggo for a night run.

I just got home from a ride in the pitch black woods. -5 degrees Celsius, which is not a problem for me, but it might have been a problem for the Shimano E8000. Bike fell down when I rode onto super smooth ice and lost traction on both tires. (I don't have spikes, yet.) I picked it up, started pedalling again, but after one or two revolutions there was a lot of resistance in the motor (I suspect it is the motor). I stopped riding immediately, tried to power off/on, tried removing and resetting the battery. Still resistance without the battery in place.
Funny thing is, walk mode kinda worked. I didn't notice as much resistance on it. I got home using walk mode and a very helpful doggo pulling me and the bike like a crazy work horse. Put the bike in warm storage for now. Gonna check on it in the morning. I really hope it's not a huge issue. The bike is like 2 years old with less than 1500 kilometers on it. I have been keeping the bike in our shack outside. It's not heated, but my brother (an electrician) told me that shouldn't be a problem as long as I keep 60% charge in the battery.

Has anybody had similar issues?


May 14, 2020
Terve, living in Switzerland, I also ride in cold conditions and had never any problems with it. Sounds more like something happened when you dropped the bike. Maybe just wait and see when it has warmed up. Nothing else rubbing against something - wheels, brakes etc. are ok?

Regarding keeping it in the shack - if the temperature is going close to or below 0, I would always remove the battery and take it inside.


Active member
Nov 12, 2020
I started taking the battery off since it got colder. Good to hear the bike and battery can handle the cold.

After checking the bike in daylight I noticed that a couple of the chain guide screws had come out and were rubbing against the chain ring. I guess the screws had loosened when I lost the chain guide and the latest fall made them pop out enough to make contact. Tightened the screws and now it's all good.


Feb 22, 2020
The sticker on battery says it can be stored down to -21c. Only reason I know is because I stated taking battery out to store it in house when not being used. I don't bother after seeing the info on sticker. I based in Ireland so temp would not go as low as yours

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