NFU house insurance and it's an extra £15/month for £5k eMTB and £1.8k (very old) hardtail. Cover is away from the house too, they stipulate you take 'sensible' precautions, but no small-print about what locks to use, keep in a brick building etc. Just the usual keep any receipts, take pics as proof.
I was getting £30-£40/month quotes from dedicated bike insurance companies just for the eMTB.
For Canadians out there .... my home policy states a limit of 3500$ for bikes. To bring the total up to 20 000$ (bought 2 emtbs) the add cost is 450$ hence 37.5$c/m (/2= 19$c/m/bike). Not a good deal but considering they are in a locked shed it’s ok. Includes accidental damage off trail (ex road accident on car rack)
Cheap insurance is not a good option always. Personally, I would focus on the coverage/price of the insurer and the service of the agent. Shopping for auto insurance is not the same as shopping for an identically optioned car at multiple dealers to get a good deal. The same policy, from the same company, will be the same price regardless of where you buy it.
Third party cover free with my house insurance. I cover the other risks myself. Try injuring a pedestrian and see how many bikes that will buy them. A few bruises and their good lawyer will cost you half a bike.