You may be correct, but there will be no harm in sending the pics and letting the experts have a look. They may agree with the "bead failure" claim, if so RESULT! If not, then the OP will have lost a few mins sending an email.Sorry I'm in the other camp
Looks to me like you've been a bit rough with the tyre leavers it doesn't look like a bead failure more the removing and replacing of the tyre
As for refitting it i wouldn't with material showing
First thing is to check your train tracks! On every tyre I have ever used, there is a moulded line on the outside of the tyre very close to the bead. If the tyre is properly installed, that line should be the same distance from the rim all around the tyre. If the line dips under the rim or one section is further away, then it needs reseating. To reseat, let a lot of air out to leave just enough to keep the tyre on the rim. Then grip the tyre and wave the wheel around and let the weight of the wheel pull the tyre into place. Or if you have an especially strong grip just pull it into place!Thanks Guys
all good info and opinions i will try my luck with a claim but wont hold my breath , i have a second conti Kryptotal on at the moment and that is loosing air via the side walls so not been very successful time with CONTI TYRES so far never seem to have had an issue with Maxxis
minätis often a guestion of the soulder profile of the rim. Canyou get the edge of the tire to land in the midle of the rim.Contit ovat tiukkoja, mutta mahtavia. Anna niiden olla suorassa auringonpaisteessa/lämmössä tunnin ajan ennen asentamista. Olen juuri asentanut Kryptotal-etun tänä iltana alle 10 minuutissa alusta loppuun (poistettu ja Argotal), vähän saippuakuplia ja kuuma rengas, kaikki hyvä.
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