Hey everyone. We bought this bike new from a bike shop about a month ago and noticed today that it is no longer charging. The LED indicator on the charger is blinking red, denoting some type of error.
1. I have removed the battery from the bike, checked the connectors, inserted it firmly back into place and plugged it in again. It seems with some connecting/disconnecting, I can get the green light to flash enough to get a few percentage points of charge but then it transitions back to blinking red and is no longer charging.
2. I've also hooked the bike up to the app, which shows no errors upon a scan and a healthy battery.
The charger also blinks red sometimes solely connected to the wall socket and not the bike.
Has anyone experienced this? How did you resolve it? For a new bike, this is disheartening.
1. I have removed the battery from the bike, checked the connectors, inserted it firmly back into place and plugged it in again. It seems with some connecting/disconnecting, I can get the green light to flash enough to get a few percentage points of charge but then it transitions back to blinking red and is no longer charging.
2. I've also hooked the bike up to the app, which shows no errors upon a scan and a healthy battery.
The charger also blinks red sometimes solely connected to the wall socket and not the bike.
Has anyone experienced this? How did you resolve it? For a new bike, this is disheartening.
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