Fuel EXe Fuel EXe TQ Motor Issue Poll

Have you had issues that resulted in repairs being needed or affected performance in general?

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Aug 3, 2020
Motor failed (lost all drive) at about 400 miles, was replaced under warranty no probs, replacement motor has been fine


New Member
Oct 20, 2023
Syracuse ny
9.7 model After 6 months started getting grinding noise in motor shop warranty it, on first ride with new motor noticed now there is less power than the old motor. I have to use full power to really feel any kind of assistance. I’ve had many problems with this bike. Had to warranty both wheels due to clicking noise , the rear end was harsh and noisy over bumps they set rear shock to fox for the updated piston and with a complete overhaul. The display stopped working and motor started to be noisy. So after all this within a year, trek decided to send me a new fuel exe and will swap all my upgrades over at no charge. This time I got it in pennyflake I wanted yellow but don’t make them anymore. We shall see how this one turns out


Active member
Nov 12, 2020
Bellingham Wa
1yr+ review:
Overheated the motor a few times resulting in momentary reduction of power- no big deal
Remote died at 12 months, replaced under warranty
Replaced cranks, stock e13s were coming loose frequently
Frame & pivots still quiet
Replaced most stock parts due to personal preference
One failed rear carbon rim (warranty)
One failed King freehub (warranty)
GX AXS derailer, failed at 3 months (hit a stump) no warranty. Back to cables for me!

12/04 update. Ohlins shock was making knocking sounds, have been gradually turning in the clickers to get the same damping. I sent in for service, Ohlins said there was internal damage to the IFP and replacement parts are 8-12 weeks out :(
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New Member
Oct 20, 2023
Syracuse ny
9.7 model After 6 months started getting grinding noise in motor shop warranty it, on first ride with new motor noticed now there is less power than the old motor. I have to use full power to really feel any kind of assistance. I’ve had many problems with this bike. Had to warranty both wheels due to clicking noise , the rear end was harsh and noisy over bumps they set rear shock to fox for the updated piston and with a complete overhaul. The display stopped working and motor started to be noisy. So after all this within a year, trek decided to send me a new fuel exe and will swap all my upgrades over at no charge. This time I got it in pennyflake I wanted yellow but don’t make them anymore. We shall see how this one turns out
So trek said after all the problems they would just send me a whole new exe 9.7 I told them I can’t trust the motor I asked if they could send me a rail 9.8 Xt and they did! Its more fun and I enjoy it so far


Well-known member
May 9, 2020
Just over 3,000kms and no problems. Well, in some seriously extreme weather, water entered the remote and the bike shut down. Trek sent a new remote, but I simply dried the old one, blocked the port where the water got in, and it's been good as gold ever since (plus, I now have a brand new spare remote!). I do get the odd weird noise from the motor, kind of feels like it over-runs at low cadence and speed, when not under a high load. Other than that though, it's as quite as it was on day one! Genuinely love this bike to bits, just so, SO fun to ride!


Nov 20, 2022
Bad Tölz, Germany
2023 9.8 XT, 650kms - Motor ‚seems‘ to show ‚pedal resistance‘ when going to lower mode after e.g. turboing long uphill. Motor also seems noisier. First service next week, so I will report back …


Jul 1, 2022
Saratoga, NY
Feel free to summarize your issues, if it was warrantied/repaired, etc.
Controller Screen died after only 2 months and motor started making noise after 8 months. Motor Replaced. Best guess is water intrusion into controller screen on frame and on the motor it probably had some water or dirt intrusion that jammed up release springs or something because the motor felt like it wasn’t letting go completely when off power. So, under light pedaling it was making some sounds and felt still engaged when it should have been fully disengaged. Pinion rings were probably not retracting like they should.
Lesson learned here… great bike if you don’t get it wet and dirty. ?
On another note… just went through replacing almost the entire drivetrain due to a gear ratcheting sound, which usually is a B screw tension thing where the jockey wheels are up against the cassette. After replacing both Derailleur and Cassette and Chain AND spending weeks at the shop it never got fixed. I finally figured it out that the eThirteen Chainring that comes stock on the bike with a stock Shimano chain is NOT compatible with Shimano HG Chains. So, the sound was the chain getting somewhat chain sucked onto the chainring. I have NO idea how TREK nor the shop thought that would be OK, but it is what it is and now I am running a SRAM chain on a eThirteen chainring with a shimano cassette and Shimano derailleur and everything is running great!


New Member
Nov 14, 2023
My wife and I have Fuel Exe and TQ-powered Scott gravel bikes. All are over a year old and have between 200-600 miles and we've only had one issue so far. The display button wouldn't power the bike on but function properly otherwise (plugging in a charger will turn the screen on). Trek replaced the display.


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
Total loss of power in last 3 rides, error codes displayed. Fixed by turn off/on, but today's ride, total disaster. No amount of turn off/on or even reset would clear the codes and restore assistance, so had to use it like a meat bike for the last 10 km.... Bike with LBS


New Member
Sep 3, 2023
Update: LBS updated the TQ firmware and checked the connection between the controller/screen and motor. This is evidently stages 1 and 2, stage 3 will be controller replace, stage 4 motor replace, as specified by Trek/TQ
Good news is that during a 2 hour ride today, no issues at all, so here's hoping.....

Canyon Shawn

Active member
Feb 4, 2023
Lake Sherwood, California
At about 1,200 miles. I got an error. I can’t rememeber the error code. I was able to clear it. The bike worked fine. When I took it to my girlfriend’s bike shop for an update, they saw the error and Trek decided to replace the motor. Replacement was quick. The new motor seems to be a little stronger. And, another about 1,200 miles have gone by without any problems.

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