Had you been watching Bambi on a DVD the night before.A deer hit me a few weeks back. it had been running down the road infront of me for about a quarter of a mile while riding home from a friend's pished and stoned as fuck at 4am. So pished Infact that for the first few hundred meters I thought it was a very big hare. It turned off the road and up my driveway to get away from my light. And then found its way to a dead end past my cottage. Where it then freaked out at my light shining on it as I fumbled for my keys. It then ran at me. Hoofed me in the chest as it jumped straight over my head. The next night my girlfriend asked me if I had come off my bike. I replied. No. Why? She pointed out two bruises on my chest. I had no recollection of falling off my bike at all (or the deer) so we put it down to the typical branches you ride through in the woods and don't really worry about. I didn't recall the incident at all until 4 days later when watching a film with a night time driving scene scene triggered a flashback to the hare and said out loud "HARE!" "eh. Nah. Hold on!" Deer" and then started pissing myself laughing as the memory of me being jumped over and stood in the dark shouting "oh ya cunt" came flooding back. (my neighbours love me)
I'm 4 miles from the A68 nowhere near Northumberland tho.