Following women


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
This is a post I made back in 2014 on a new defunct mtb website. It's not about bikes, but biking. I came across it today whilst looking for something else, thought it might be of interest to some.

Would you initiate contact with a woman riding alone when there is nobody else around. Or are they fair game for your best chat up lines?​
There are definitely more men than women out on an mtb. The men are nearly always very friendly, those that aren't usually have headphones on and are lost in their own world. I know that women riding in groups are friendly as well, because I've spoken to them. But I never approach a woman riding alone, either by speaking to them or even riding close behind them. If I realise that the rider in front is a lone woman, I either sprint past if she's slow or I stop and give them five mins to open up a gap. Too many times, I have seen lone women reacting cautiously to friendly overtures. Not chat up lines, just the usual "mornin'" or if they are sat by the side of the trail "you got everything you need?" They respond with the merest of expression or acknowledgement, I get frozen out. I'm not chatting you up, I'm just being polite!

Only yesterday, I caught up with a woman that I knew was with two blokes who were out of sight (because I'd seen them together earlier). I was a bit slower than usual because my back is still recovering. She suddenly stopped and pulled up at the side of the trail and started to have a drink. I didn't speak or slow down. When I caught up with her riding companions who were waiting for her, I told them she was just having a break. One of them said "Oh, she stopped because she doesn't like being followed closely". Bloody 'ell, I felt like I was being accused of some perversion. I wasn't following her, I just caught her up. I understand that women have to be careful, especially lone women out in the woods. But we are not all rapists and murderers. In fact, can anyone find any evidence that any mtb'er has committed this crime while out riding?​

And no, nobody did come back with any evidence!


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I’m not as concerned with a group of male MTB riders or even a solo rider. It’s a small group (2 or more) of male hikers. Most ladies I see are accompanied by a friend, a trail dog, or another male partner. However, I have seen the lone female hiker or rider. I think, that if this was my daughter, I would be concerned.

There are a number of dangers in our area, including the wildlife, that we all need to take precautions with …but especially concerning for a lone female hiker. There are several very accomplished female MTB riders in our area who ride alone. These ladies generally know the area and trails. They also ride on/in well travelled trails. Any type of help is not too far away.

As a male who usually rides alone, I can understand that approaching or simply talking to a lone female can be unnerving for them. I give them their space, a pleasant hello, and I continue on. If they initiate a conversation I will stop …and help if I can, or simply give directions to the trail network. I also make mental note of those encounters, just incase.


Active member
Mar 8, 2023
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I treat all riders the same which is say "morning" or "afternoon" if I've seen them a few times before.
if they give me a nod I give one back, Other than that I stick to what I'm doing.
if people don't like that then it's not my problem
can anyone find any evidence that any mtb'er has committed this crime while out riding?

Google Bard tried to tell me
  • In 2020, a mountain biker was arrested in North Vancouver, British Columbia, for setting traps on a trail. The mountain biker was caught on camera setting logs and rocks across the trail with the intention of obstructing other mountain bikers. The mountain biker was charged with setting a trap and causing mischief to property.

    Then when I asked bard about it bard came back with
  • in 2020, a 64-year-old woman was arrested in North Vancouver, British Columbia, for setting traps on mountain bike trails. The woman was caught on camera setting logs and rocks across the trails with the intention of obstructing other mountain bikers. The woman was charged with setting a trap and causing mischief to property.

    The woman's arrest came after several months of complaints from mountain bikers who had been injured by the traps. In one case, a mountain biker was thrown from his bike and suffered a broken leg after hitting a log that had been placed across the trail.

    The woman's arrest sparked outrage among the mountain biking community. Many mountain bikers felt that the woman's actions were deliberate and that she was trying to harm them. The woman's lawyer, however, argued that the woman was not trying to harm anyone and that she was simply trying to protect her property from mountain bikers.

    The woman eventually pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to three years probation and 150 hours of community service. She was also ordered to stay away from all mountain bike trails.

    shows how useless these chat bots are when it turns out they just tell lies, first case its a mountain biker.... when asked for more details oh it was a 64 year old woman :rolleyes:

    The amount of misinformation these bots are going to cause will be insane
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
A number of years ago a friend and I had just gotten done with a loop ride and ran into some friends, in fact a wedding party of sorts, consisting of 3 men and a woman who was the sister of the groom. We decided to go for another lap with them as our next objective was the wedding and so we didn't think we would miss it as long as we were with the groom.

The groom's sister was a game type of gal it seemed but in taking off she asked me if I would mind riding behind her? So I took up the caboose position and I can't say I regretted it as she was fit and pretty well proportioned and also a good rider. Fun was had by all including a bit of rope swinging into a high altitude lake. The wedding was fun also however it didn't take and they ended up parting ways within a few years.


May 5, 2023
Atlanta, USA
A number of years ago a friend and I had just gotten done with a loop ride and ran into some friends, in fact a wedding party of sorts, consisting of 3 men and a woman who was the sister of the groom. We decided to go for another lap with them as our next objective was the wedding and so we didn't think we would miss it as long as we were with the groom.

The groom's sister was a game type of gal it seemed but in taking off she asked me if I would mind riding behind her? So I took up the caboose position and I can't say I regretted it as she was fit and pretty well proportioned and also a good rider. Fun was had by all including a bit of rope swinging into a high altitude lake. The wedding was fun also however it didn't take and they ended up parting ways within a few years.
wow that was a rollercoaster of a story


Jun 30, 2021
NW uk
A number of years ago a friend and I had just gotten done with a loop ride and ran into some friends, in fact a wedding party of sorts, consisting of 3 men and a woman who was the sister of the groom. We decided to go for another lap with them as our next objective was the wedding and so we didn't think we would miss it as long as we were with the groom.

The groom's sister was a game type of gal it seemed but in taking off she asked me if I would mind riding behind her? So I took up the caboose position and I can't say I regretted it as she was fit and pretty well proportioned and also a good rider. Fun was had by all including a bit of rope swinging into a high altitude lake. The wedding was fun also however it didn't take and they ended up parting ways within a few years.
That sounds chatbot crazy...


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
What's more creepy - thinking that there are chat buts lurking around and watching us, or realising the AI is processing Garys thoughts on lycra

BTW steve, if a creepy old man sits too close to a blokes rear, is " pulling over for a drink" a chat line? ( I'm just screwing with the chat butt now )


Flash Git
Mar 16, 2023
New Zealand
In a race I once caught to a lady with a nice arse, followed for a few moments admiring the view and then passed.

Upon passing I realised it wasn't a woman at all. It was a dude with child bearing hips.....

I'd been checking out a dudes arse for several minutes!......


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I’m easily trolled. Especially when I see shiny things.

Excuse me while I remove this fish hook from my ear. 😳


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Apr 24, 2020
The Trail.
What's more creepy - thinking that there are chat buts lurking around and watching us, or realising the AI is processing Garys thoughts on lycra

BTW steve, if a creepy old man sits too close to a blokes rear, is " pulling over for a drink" a chat line? ( I'm just screwing with the chat butt now )

that raises a good point, where has Gary gone!?


Active member
Aug 26, 2020
I say a short HEY to everybody.
Bikers/ horseriders/ bbq'ers/ skateboarders/ motocrossers/ hikers/ ...

Except Nordic Walkers.
Because those are hypnotized indoctrinated extremist bigots.


Aug 28, 2022
Eagan, MN USA
I treat all riders the same, friendly hello if warranted, but assume we’re all riding our own ride. Total creep show if a dude is trying to chat up female riders, not cool.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
This is a post I made back in 2014 on a new defunct mtb website. It's not about bikes, but biking. I came across it today whilst looking for something else, thought it might be of interest to some.

Would you initiate contact with a woman riding alone when there is nobody else around. Or are they fair game for your best chat up lines?​
There are definitely more men than women out on an mtb. The men are nearly always very friendly, those that aren't usually have headphones on and are lost in their own world. I know that women riding in groups are friendly as well, because I've spoken to them. But I never approach a woman riding alone, either by speaking to them or even riding close behind them. If I realise that the rider in front is a lone woman, I either sprint past if she's slow or I stop and give them five mins to open up a gap. Too many times, I have seen lone women reacting cautiously to friendly overtures. Not chat up lines, just the usual "mornin'" or if they are sat by the side of the trail "you got everything you need?" They respond with the merest of expression or acknowledgement, I get frozen out. I'm not chatting you up, I'm just being polite!​
Only yesterday, I caught up with a woman that I knew was with two blokes who were out of sight (because I'd seen them together earlier). I was a bit slower than usual because my back is still recovering. She suddenly stopped and pulled up at the side of the trail and started to have a drink. I didn't speak or slow down. When I caught up with her riding companions who were waiting for her, I told them she was just having a break. One of them said "Oh, she stopped because she doesn't like being followed closely". Bloody 'ell, I felt like I was being accused of some perversion. I wasn't following her, I just caught her up. I understand that women have to be careful, especially lone women out in the woods. But we are not all rapists and murderers. In fact, can anyone find any evidence that any mtb'er has committed this crime while out riding?​

And no, nobody did come back with any evidence!
It would be a sad day when I didn't speak to someone I met on a bike run male or female . In fact if someone doesn't speak they are either Drole or English or Glaswegian. In my area everyone speaks to everyone in the passing it really is considered strange if they don't . Small town friendly , big town or city unfriendly.
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Feb 6, 2023
Just be polite. Trouble is even that can get a rude response from some women. Held a shop door open for somebody behind me once, did not notice who or what, only to be thanked with…. I don’t f’ing need you to hold a f’ing door for me. …imagine what she’d say if I let it close in her face. But matters not, I was polite. The rest is up to them …


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Just be polite. Trouble is even that can get a rude response from some women. Held a shop door open for somebody behind me once, did not notice who or what, only to be thanked with…. I don’t f’ing need you to hold a f’ing door for me. …imagine what she’d say if I let it close in her face. But matters not, I was polite. The rest is up to them …

Good for trying 👍🏻

Here in Canada we’ll open the door when they’re still two city blocks away. 😁


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Just be polite. Trouble is even that can get a rude response from some women. Held a shop door open for somebody behind me once, did not notice who or what, only to be thanked with…. I don’t f’ing need you to hold a f’ing door for me. …imagine what she’d say if I let it close in her face. But matters not, I was polite. The rest is up to them …
I nearly got thumped in a bar near me when I let the toilet door close in the face of the big bloke behind me. I had no idea he was even there but to hear him kick off, it was as though I done it deliberately and was slamming it. The thing is that whether the person behind you is male or female, if you know they are there, it is always polite to hold the door so that they don't get it in the face. There is no need for an over the top "after you..." Nor is there a need for the rude response from the female in your report. She was displaying an entirely unnecessary attitude problem.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I nearly got thumped in a bar near me when I let the toilet door close in the face of the big bloke behind me. I had no idea he was even there but to hear him kick off, it was as though I done it deliberately and was slamming it. The thing is that whether the person behind you is male or female, if you know they are there, it is always polite to hold the door so that they don't get it in the face. There is no need for an over the top "after you..." Nor is there a need for the rude response from the female in your report. She was displaying an entirely unnecessary attitude problem.
Some folk are just not friendly at all I suppose they can't help it . With men it's definitely a man thing I find when I meet a couple in the wilds it's more often the woman who says hello or smiles and the grumpy old man doesn't even look up, not always .
If someone ignores me on the bike I quite often repeat myself at least twice after I've passed . Or If I say nice day and they don't answer I may even say yes it is Colin thank you enjoy your cycle.


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I realize that certain cultures and certain personalities may not respond to a friendly hello. That’s fine. It doesn’t stop me from acknowledging or helping a fellow user.

The phone gazers are easy to recognize and are generally first -timers to the area. There’s no signage on our hill so a user, or group of users, can be starring at the map on their phone at a critical junction.

I’ve had a few strange experiences or interactions during my rides, but one has stuck out. Two analog riders were stopped. One was phone gazing and the other one was making repairs to his bike. I stopped and asked if they needed any help. The young guy, 45ish, was fairly chatty and said he was okay. The other guy(my age )was staring at his phone. He ignored me at first then scoffed at my eMTB. He then lowered his phone and began to lecture and berate me. He also added that they haven’t made an eMTB that would suit his needs or his “extraordinary” ability.

I politely asked, “What are you looking for?”. This gentleman went on to describe his prerequisite for an eMTB and reminded me again of his “extraordinary” ability.🙄. It sounded like he just described the Trek Fuel EXE. I suggested the Trek Fuel EXE was now available.

This seemed to piss him off. I’m not exactly sure but I think he quickly visited the Trek web site and found the Fuel EXE.

“Have a good ride” I said, as I sped off. 😁


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
.................... I stopped and asked if they needed any help. ...........
I have stopped asking if people "need any help" as some have a personal problem with "needing help" and can't help themselves but to respond negatively. I ask "if they have everything they need". So far, it always gets a warmer response even if it is a cheery "no thanks, just having a rest!" :)

I don't understand people that go through life with a negative attitude. "Things can only get worse!" "He's out to get me!" "I'm going to be conned!" "Why does he think that of me!" I guess this is why people respond badly. I feel sorry for them. :(

PS: It has been proven in long-term studies that people with a positive attitude live longer. Whereas for people with a negative attitude, despite not living longer, it feels longer! :ROFLMAO:


Jul 29, 2022
Applies to the trail too

fetchimage (2).jpeg


Active member
Mar 8, 2023
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I nearly got thumped in a bar near me when I let the toilet door close in the face of the big bloke behind me. I had no idea he was even there but to hear him kick off, it was as though I done it deliberately and was slamming it. The thing is that whether the person behind you is male or female
I stopped holding doors for women a long time ago... apparently it's rude these days because they can open a door themselves


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 14, 2019
I once had a chance to chat with a female U23 DH racer, while riding side by side at a bike park in Colorado, she with a DH bike and I with my trailbike.
It was the most interesting ride I ever had…

On a chairlift 😁

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