Levo Gen 2 Fitment question: New Fox DPS to replace Rockshox Deluxe Select


New Member
Apr 11, 2021
Toronto, Canada
Hey guys I’m having a slight issue getting the top mount of the fox shock to fit my 2020 Turbo Levo Aluminum frame.

The Rockshox has a bronze bushing pressed in with a black metal sleeve into plastic shoulders that go over it. (It’s in the picture above the fox shock with the bolt beside it)

I was thinking of trimming the shoulders of the white bushings then pressing the metal sleeve in. The pen in the picture is pointing to the shoulder that makes the bushing a bit too wide.

Or is there a way to press out the bronze pushing from the rockshox and transfer it to the Fox? I don’t have a hydraulic press and it looks like it’s in there pretty good!

Btw Nice weight savings with the fox it’s a fair bit lighter.

Update: Okay I think I found the tool I need to remove the pushing from the Rockshox:

Amazon: Rear Shock Bushing Tool, Quality Anti-Rust Durable Rear Shock Eyelet Bushing Removal/Install Tool for Fox Rockshox x-Fusion CCDB DU

Any help would be appreciated! ?



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New Member
Apr 11, 2021
Toronto, Canada
A socket & some threaded rod will have the rockshox bush out pretty easily.

And some washers and a nut lol just kidding I know you’re right but during the pandemic it’s a bit of a hassle getting hardware so I ordered the cheapest one with the quickest service on Amazon.

I did a test fit without the old hardware without the Rockshox bush and in it’s a super tight fit the top. I’m going to have to spread the aluminium apart a bit ? or hammer it into place?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I have the DPS fitted n my Levo Comp. I got it second hand but unused...taken off a brand new Levo SL. It was a perfect fit on the Levo ( ally) so I assume the bushings for it are available from Spesh........or at least the details of the right bushing kit.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I think the fitting on mine is the type that has no press fit bushing. It consists 2 white collared inserts and a metal tube that just slides into them plus then 2 "O" rings and 2 black spacers......so no tools required to fit. (once you have removed the old bushing of course!). You seem to have that kit in the photos a bove. Are you saying the kit ends up too wide?


New Member
Apr 11, 2021
Toronto, Canada
Check out this Foxy installation! ?

The bushing removal / install tool arrived ans worked like a charm!
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May 2, 2021
Cape Ann
what kind of performance improvement are you guys seeing with the Fox? The stock RS is a garbage performer, I am reluctant to sink more money into this bike but if the ride can be improved it may be a necessit.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
I found the RS OK. The DPS is more progressive though meaning you can get a very compliant ride at the top of the stroke but it ramps up well so does not bottom out. The DPS I am using has a medium tune.
I also find the 3 compression settings quite useful albeit I rarely use the firm setting. I leave it on the soft setting most of the time, just changing to medium for trails with bigger drops or medium ramps. Medium is also a useful setting for when I lend the bike to my son who is heavier than me..........I then dont bother adjusting the sag for him.


May 2, 2021
Cape Ann
Thanks Mike. It would not take much to more progressive than the stock Rockshox seeing as how it has no progression at all. Maybe I’ll start looking to see if I can’t find a shock without spending a ton, it’s been years since I rode a bike with such a poor performing suspension.


New Member
Apr 11, 2021
Toronto, Canada
what kind of performance improvement are you guys seeing with the Fox? The stock RS is a garbage performer, I am reluctant to sink more money into this bike but if the ride can be improved it may be a necessit.

I’m really liking the Fox. The rockshox wasn’t bad but I wanted compression adjustability on the fly, and the firm setting allows me to fly up long steep hills much easier. It’s almost a lockout; the suspension barely moves in that setting. I do find it bottoming out more than the thr SRAM shock. I need to put more air in it or install some volume spacers.

Tbh got a little bit bitter about my stock suspension on my turbo Levo then I got to thinking, it is the base model, what else would they put on it?! The higher models seem to include Fox, so I thought it would be a nice upgrade and have so far been happy with the performance in a bit of weight savings as well. ?

Ride on brothers! ?


May 2, 2021
Cape Ann
At $5K for the Levo I am fine with the bike having low grade components that weigh more, that is typical in the bike industry. Even a shock that has less adjustability is not unheard of, but the RS Select on these bikes simply doesn’t perform.

I don’t think it is unreasonable to feel bitter about spending that kind of money on a bike and finding you have to spend more just to get it to work.
The electrical part of the bike, at least my 2020 has proven to be more moody than a PMS-ing teenager and with the shock suck factor I am not getting the S logo tattooed on my chest anytime soon.

In spite of these things the bike can be fun to ride, enough so I will stick with it and get the electrical sorted out and maybe try a different shock.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2023

I'm digging up this post because I would like upgrading my turbo levo 2022 with one Fox DPS..

I understand about recovering the upper binding of the Rockshox... but how did you do the lower one? .. there are metal eyelets that appear to be crimped, did you eject them or replace by other solution ?

Many thanks and Cheers.. 🍻

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