The bike arrived at 08.30 via FedEx, it was tipping it down and the Dark sky app was showing more rain, I concluded that I was going to get wet.
I used Z-Works software to set it up 40/60/100 and that's a great bit of software, Not to keen on the fat tyres and I can see me changing them in the future to thinner, even dropping the pressure to 30 psi I don't think that was enough. I've gone for 30% Sag on the shock but its not been ridden hard enough to know if that ok. The giant dropper that I put on was ok, I need to move the controls around a bit on the bars area I struggled a bit to change gear. However I have to say that I am dead chuffed with it on its maiden run, the motor was silent and so smooth which was a nice surprise.
When I took one out for a demo it was a medium and the guy told me I needed the XL so I hunted around until I found one, on hindsight the XL might prove to be a little two big but a few proper runs out will tell and if it is I will just have to change it for a Large. But it's a bloody fantastic machine and it will get ridden every day that's for sure.
I used Z-Works software to set it up 40/60/100 and that's a great bit of software, Not to keen on the fat tyres and I can see me changing them in the future to thinner, even dropping the pressure to 30 psi I don't think that was enough. I've gone for 30% Sag on the shock but its not been ridden hard enough to know if that ok. The giant dropper that I put on was ok, I need to move the controls around a bit on the bars area I struggled a bit to change gear. However I have to say that I am dead chuffed with it on its maiden run, the motor was silent and so smooth which was a nice surprise.
When I took one out for a demo it was a medium and the guy told me I needed the XL so I hunted around until I found one, on hindsight the XL might prove to be a little two big but a few proper runs out will tell and if it is I will just have to change it for a Large. But it's a bloody fantastic machine and it will get ridden every day that's for sure.