Eco sucks!

Amber Valley Guy

Active member
Oct 15, 2023
Eco has its place and is still better than the analog bike. I use Eco a lot on false flats and undulating but not steep terrain. I like to save battery for the steeper stuff
Pardon my ignorance, what's a false flat, it doesn't compute in my head...undulating and not steep I get, but never heard the term false flat? Maybe a UK English Vs North American it those slight inclines that look like flat?
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🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Pardon my ignorance, what's a false flat, it doesn't compute in my head...undulating and not steep I get, but never heard the term false flat? Maybe a UK English Vs North American it those slight inclines that don't look like flat?
Be when you think you are going down but you are actually going up so have to pedal. We have a place thats called the electric brae up North of Scotland its an opposite example you think you are going up but stop peddling and you freewheel down. Optical illusion . Best I can offer.

Amber Valley Guy

Active member
Oct 15, 2023
Be when you think you are going down but you are actually going up so have to pedal. We have a place thats called the electric brae up North of Scotland its an opposite example you think you are going up but stop peddling and you freewheel down. Optical illusion . Best I can offer.
Ahhh, I've seen that road, when stopped cars roll backwards.
Sep 18, 2020
Truckee Ca
It’s unfortunate you don’t get to enjoy the auto on your bike. I have a Giant Reign and love the Yamaha motor and auto assist. I use it mostly on varied terrain so I only have to think of microadjusting with my gears. On long steep climbs it’s better to go manual and when I race I go manual otherwise it’s very efficient to run it in auto.


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Ahhh, I've seen that road, when stopped cars roll backwards.
WHAT are you guys smoking???

I’m usually in EMTB mode…and going forwards.

Another boring story 🙄.
Magnetic Hill in Moncton N.B. There’s been several of these locations across Canada (it’s a big country) but none better, or more preserved, than this one.

My mother loaded me, and 5 of my friends, into our 68’ Plymouth Custom Suburban station wagon and drove from Amherst NS to a KISS concert in Moncton NB. Since we were a bit early for the concert she decided to detour to Magnetic Hill. A small tourist attraction with a souvenir shop and ice cream store. “Sure…whatever” we said.

When we arrived, and the station wagon was parked, my mother walked straight for the souvenir shop. Perfect 👍🏻. This was our opportunity to share and secretly smoke our only joint.

After my mother’s shopping visit we all loaded back into the station wagon …albeit much happier with some giggling. With a brief explanation she decided to drive up Magnetic Hill. The short ride up the gravel road was uneventful as we reached the top. Then this happened 😱 .

She put the car in neutral and we began to roll backwards …up the friggen hill!!! The inhaled hallucinations had enhanced this very strange experience for us and some of us began to freak-out.

Anyways, my mother dropped us off at the KISS concert and probably waited outside. I don’t remember much of the concert …but that day I saw water flowing uphill. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
WHAT are you guys smoking???

I’m usually in EMTB mode…and going forwards.

Another boring story 🙄.
Magnetic Hill in Moncton N.B. There’s been several of these locations across Canada (it’s a big country) but none better, or more preserved, than this one.

My mother loaded me, and 5 of my friends, into our 68’ Plymouth Custom Suburban station wagon and drove from Amherst NS to a KISS concert in Moncton NB. Since we were a bit early for the concert she decided to detour to Magnetic Hill. A small tourist attraction with a souvenir shop and ice cream store. “Sure…whatever” we said.

When we arrived, and the station wagon was parked, my mother walked straight for the souvenir shop. Perfect 👍🏻. This was our opportunity to share and secretly smoke our only joint.

After my mother’s shopping visit we all loaded back into the station wagon …albeit much happier with some giggling. With a brief explanation she decided to drive up Magnetic Hill. The short ride up the gravel road was uneventful as we reached the top. Then this happened 😱 .

She put the car in neutral and we began to roll backwards …up the friggen hill!!! The inhaled hallucinations had enhanced this very strange experience for us and some of us began to freak-out.

Anyways, my mother dropped us off at the KISS concert and probably waited outside. I don’t remember much of the concert …but that day I saw water flowing uphill. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I laughed last year when I went through immigration at Vancouver and the officer said have you got any Cannibus . Obviously legal now.


Jul 21, 2023
I've decided eco sucks. It basically offsets the weight of ebike and that's it. You end up going pretty much at mtb speeds.

If I want to ride at mtb speeds going up I'll ride my mountain bike instead. Thar is 11 kg lighter, more playful and a blast to ride.

So.... the only time I'll use eco is if the battery is running flat or I happen to be riding with mountain bikers and I have My ebike. Typically I ride my mtb with other mtbers and e with e.

With that said I'm all over smashing e Laps at faster speeds. That's mucho fun.
I like running higher settings too but at 3 setting I can actually pedal the bike faster then 32km/h, any higher and there's too much motor resistance pulling the speed back down to 32km so annoying.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2018
mtbers and e with e.
Eco only sucks if your motor is not tuned for you. On my Kenevo with original settings I hardly used Eco as it just felt like pedaling a heavy normal bike. Trail wasn’t much use (I live in the Alps) so I used Turbo most of the time. I increased eco to 30% which is fine on the flat or slight hills, trail from 50 to 60% and use this 80% of the time, leaving Turbo for really steep hills, keeping up with others using Turbo or just in a hurry. It seems pointless to have an ebike and not to exploit the motor and what’s the point in having three support modes and not using all of them from time to time.


Flash Git
Mar 16, 2023
New Zealand
Eco only sucks if your motor is not tuned for you. On my Kenevo with original settings I hardly used Eco as it just felt like pedaling a heavy normal bike. Trail wasn’t much use (I live in the Alps) so I used Turbo most of the time. I increased eco to 30% which is fine on the flat or slight hills, trail from 50 to 60% and use this 80% of the time, leaving Turbo for really steep hills, keeping up with others using Turbo or just in a hurry. It seems pointless to have an ebike and not to exploit the motor and what’s the point in having three support modes and not using all of them from time to time.
I'll admit to tuning my Eco down. That is so I'm not going too much faster than my mates on mtbs if I happen to ge riding with them when I'm on the e.

So that makes it suck more.

But in all honesty, I'm glad I have an eco setting or riding with mates on there mtbs would be way to easy on higher settings.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I'll admit to tuning my Eco down. That is so I'm not going too much faster than my mates on mtbs if I happen to ge riding with them when I'm on the e.

So that makes it suck more.

But in all honesty, I'm glad I have an eco setting or riding with mates on there mtbs would be way to easy on higher settings.
I don't ride with analogue bikes in case my levo breaks down , imagine the smug comments


Active member
Sep 29, 2023
It has its uses. for the ep8 I have 2 profiles, one for battery saving and one for sending it. I cranked the eco and trail support and power up in the app for 1 of the profiles. Ecos good if your riding with buddies that aren't on e-bikes as well. Oh also if its cold in the morning I start in the harder eco mode to warm up then i switch to the trail. I find the boost seems to kill the battery a bit too fast so I just have the trail mode tuned to a bit below boost settings.


Active member
Mar 22, 2021
At 250lbs eco is just enough to keep pace with non-eebs, which is literally the only time I’ve ever used it. I love seeing friends and feel guilty and ride with them. But also hate seeing friends because I feel guilty and ride with them lol.

My local has a very lap-able 5 mile / 1,000’ climb. With my Bosch I’m in turbo unless it’s steep and techy and then I’m in blue (whatever that is).

On the way down I’m in always blue as there are a couple jumps that require a few pedals.

That reminds me I should get out and fix the berms ahead of those so we can carry enough speed not to need to pedal.

Amber Valley Guy

Active member
Oct 15, 2023
It has its uses. for the ep8 I have 2 profiles, one for battery saving and one for sending it. I cranked the eco and trail support and power up in the app for 1 of the profiles. Ecos good if your riding with buddies that aren't on e-bikes as well. Oh also if its cold in the morning I start in the harder eco mode to warm up then i switch to the trail. I find the boost seems to kill the battery a bit too fast so I just have the trail mode tuned to a bit below boost settings.
Same set up here too. 2 Profiles on the EP8, P1 stock, P2 power and hardly any difference in range, at least in a boosted Eco in P2.


Apr 2, 2023
Eco is best , turbo is for fat unfit lazy xxxx
If you put the same amount watts of your own power it doesn't matter what mode your in. It just means you go faster. The question is are going to put the same amount of effort in. Personally I pedal downhill often that's why I have a ten tooth. Eco doesn't = fit and Turbo doesn't = lazy. That being said it's much harder to keep the effort up in turbo.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
If you put the same amount watts of your own power it doesn't matter what mode your in. It just means you go faster. The question is are going to put the same amount of effort in. Personally I pedal downhill often that's why I have a ten tooth. Eco doesn't = fit and Turbo doesn't = lazy. That being said it's much harder to keep the effort up in turbo.
Probably pished when I posted that one was it a Saturday. I like to get a wee nibble but you've taken the sinker as well haha

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