E020 error Shimano e7000


Jul 16, 2023
Doncaster, Uk
Hi all. I've got a approx 8 month old Kona Remote 160 with around 460 miles on it (Shimano e7000 motor). I bought it ex demo middle of last year so I don't have direct warranty with a reseller but the parts should be still under warranty.

Apart from the Microshift drivetrain which I changed out early on its given me no problems until last week where after going through a large amount of puddled grassed area it gave me an error code and stopped working. I then switch it off, rode it a few mins, switched back on and it was fine again.

Friday gone I took it to Dalby Forest as I was working that way with work when I went to use it it was just giving E010 errors and would not clear. I had no idea what it was, no phone signal at the time and had to abandon the ride. When at home and able to access the Internet I removed the battery, the thin cables to the motor and display cleaned them with contact cleaner, dried and put them back together. One of the cables on the motor maybe was loose and I fired it up and it seemed fine again. At this point I hadn't touched the motor to battery lead.

Fast forward to today and I decided to test it in the woods behind where I live. Everything was fine and then after a couple of miles I maybe went through a small amount of water and then coincidence or not it threw an error and went off. I switched it on again and now it was giving e020 and then switching itself off.

I took it home again having read a few threads on here and took out the battery and made sure it was clean and dry and all the pins were intact, even that the small ones made contact. I took out the battery to motor cable and cleaned it and then bingo it worked again.

So I went out (again) to test and within less than a mile it threw e020 again switching itself straight off each time. So I've repeated what I've done after the first incident and the second incident and it was still giving the e020 error.

I began typing this up and almost at the end i decided to try again and it's not gone off after a few minutes, but I've no real confidence it's actually cured and I've ran out of daylight.

Anyone give their experiences or a bit of insight on what may be causing this?
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Jul 16, 2023
Doncaster, Uk

That was one of the first threads I found 😀 I have tried it but I think I need to take everything apart again. Inspect, clean/ dry and then carefully reassemble.


Active member
Feb 27, 2019
I had this error E020, and it was caused by the "clip" contacts in the battery, which is the most probable cause, although it can also be caused by a broken or pinched wire, motor connector or motor electronics.

Good Luck!!


Active member
May 31, 2021
Hola a todos. Tengo un Kona Remote 160 de aproximadamente 8 meses con alrededor de 460 millas (motor Shimano e7000). Lo compré en una demostración a mediados del año pasado, por lo que no tengo garantía directa con un revendedor, pero las piezas aún deberían estar en garantía.

Aparte de la transmisión Microshift, que cambié desde el principio, no me dio problemas hasta la semana pasada, donde después de pasar por una gran cantidad de área de césped encharcada, me dio un código de error y dejó de funcionar. Luego lo apagué, lo monté unos minutos, lo volví a encender y volvió a estar bien.

El viernes lo llevé a Dalby Forest porque estaba trabajando de esa manera cuando fui a usarlo, solo daba errores E010 y no se borraba. No tenía idea de qué era, no había señal telefónica en ese momento y tuve que abandonar el viaje. Cuando estuve en casa y pude acceder a Internet, quité la batería, los cables delgados del motor y la pantalla los limpié con un limpiador de contactos, los sequé y los volví a armar. Uno de los cables del motor tal vez estaba suelto, lo encendí y parecía estar bien otra vez. En este punto no había tocado el motor con el cable de la batería.

Un avance rápido hasta hoy y decidí probarlo en el bosque detrás de donde vivo. Todo estuvo bien y luego, después de un par de millas, tal vez pasé por una pequeña cantidad de agua y luego, coincidencia o no, arrojó un error y se disparó. Lo encendí de nuevo y ahora daba e020 y luego se apagaba solo.

Lo llevé a casa nuevamente después de leer algunos hilos aquí, saqué la batería y me aseguré de que estuviera limpia y seca y que todos los pines estuvieran intactos, incluso los más pequeños hacían contacto. Saqué el cable de la batería al motor, lo limpié y luego funcionó nuevamente.

Así que salí (otra vez) a probar y en menos de una milla volvió a lanzar el e020, apagándose automáticamente cada vez. Así que repetí lo que hice después del primer incidente y del segundo incidente y todavía aparecía el error e020.

Comencé a escribir esto y casi al final decidí intentarlo de nuevo y no desapareció después de unos minutos, pero no tengo mucha confianza en que realmente se haya curado y se me acabó la luz del día.

¿Alguien nos da su experiencia o nos da una idea de lo que puede estar causando esto?
El sistema de respaldo con escalones SHIMANO de Andrzej Wodejszo es lo que necesitas

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Active member
May 31, 2021
I had to replace the battery mount (Plug) and wiring on my wifes Canyon . Not an expensive change and it fixed the problem.
Shimano Steps full backrest, it's what you need for peace of mind. Fix all possible error codes
Código de error E010
Código de error E012
Código de error E013
Código de error E014
Código de error E020
Código de error E021
Código de error E023
within 15 minutes ;)
And enjoy your ebike without complications

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Aug 28, 2019
Hi all. I've got a approx 8 month old Kona Remote 160 with around 460 miles on it (Shimano e7000 motor). I bought it ex demo middle of last year so I don't have direct warranty with a reseller but the parts should be still under warranty.

Apart from the Microshift drivetrain which I changed out early on its given me no problems until last week where after going through a large amount of puddled grassed area it gave me an error code and stopped working. I then switch it off, rode it a few mins, switched back on and it was fine again.

Friday gone I took it to Dalby Forest as I was working that way with work when I went to use it it was just giving E010 errors and would not clear. I had no idea what it was, no phone signal at the time and had to abandon the ride. When at home and able to access the Internet I removed the battery, the thin cables to the motor and display cleaned them with contact cleaner, dried and put them back together. One of the cables on the motor maybe was loose and I fired it up and it seemed fine again. At this point I hadn't touched the motor to battery lead.

Fast forward to today and I decided to test it in the woods behind where I live. Everything was fine and then after a couple of miles I maybe went through a small amount of water and then coincidence or not it threw an error and went off. I switched it on again and now it was giving e020 and then switching itself off.

I took it home again having read a few threads on here and took out the battery and made sure it was clean and dry and all the pins were intact, even that the small ones made contact. I took out the battery to motor cable and cleaned it and then bingo it worked again.

So I went out (again) to test and within less than a mile it threw e020 again switching itself straight off each time. So I've repeated what I've done after the first incident and the second incident and it was still giving the e020 error.

I began typing this up and almost at the end i decided to try again and it's not gone off after a few minutes, but I've no real confidence it's actually cured and I've ran out of daylight.

Anyone give their experiences or a bit of insight on what may be causing this?
It is worth checking the battery connection fitting at base of battery compartment - very small wires attach this to main power cable so could be wet or corroded. You may need to drop the motor out to access fully so not a job for the faint hearted but very easy to do if you follow instructions (many on line )

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