Ordered a new bike today all. Yup took the plunge and got me an e zesty ultimate Ltd. Cant wait until it arrives and pics will follow.
Another 6 weeks but will believe it when I see it ?Nice ! What's the estimated arrival date ?
As we all know, range can depend upon lots of different variables. This bike, if all the specs are to be believed will be 10kg lighter than my current e genius. Plus in the last 12 months I'm about 10 kg lighter and fitter than I've been in years. All down to emtb. I don't want more power like the haibike but really want a nice light one. I still want assist on the climbs. Battery is 390 euro. Bike shop on the case to get one.I wonder what the range and cost of spare battery will be?
Bike shop say another 6 weeks. Only one coming into Ireland. Exited much. You'll have to pop over for a spin ?Jealous! Hope you get it soon and looking forward to your thought (and pics ?).
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