Dumb of The Day


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
So there I was, laying on my back and a quick assessment of my bike, while the audience showed their concern for my spectacular crash. Yup…I was embarrassed.
30min earlier; I started my preparation for trail-repairs in my garage by loading all the necessary tools in my backpack. This was another solo trip to the site and I figured about 45min to get there and 2 hours of work. I chose early Sunday morning (9ish) with the realization that the main trails could be quite busy with hikers and mtb’ers. Not really a concern because I was headed to a remote area.
On the main route I navigated past hikers, some mtb’ers, families, pets etc. Bear bell on and not travelling too fast while thanking as often as I could. A large group of hikers ahead of me (15ish)looked like very little problem as long as I got their attention and slowed down.

The group seemed to split into 3 separate groups and I could see their confusion as some passed between groups. I thought I could show that I was committed to one side of the trail. As I closed the distance I moved further off the trail and saw a route which involved a small log and some weeds. Surprise!

I hit the hidden boulder with my right foot, then my peddle, then my rear tire. I launched OTB towards the left side taking the bar grip in the ribs. My feet were well above my head at this time and I expected a hard landing on my back or side or head. I must have preformed an Olympic style twist before I landed. My tools and backpack were the first to touch down. Then my head, hip, thigh and elbow.

There we lay. My audience gasped. My elbow worked and I pushed the bike off of me. I started to hear concerned shouts from the audience as I dusted myself off. When I stood up I was able to raise my bikes and give it a quick check up.

The audience never moved (they probably never seen anything like this before) and I mounted my bike …thumbs up to the gathering crowd and I rode off.

It wasn’t until the next day that the bruising set in. Scratched elbow, black eye, sore ribs, bruised hip and thigh, sore right foot and a slight ego check.
The pic shows the Boulder I hit but it was moved the next day. I dislodged that thing.





Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Are you sure that hole isn't where your head landed !
Hmmm…looks like the right shape. There’s some "forensic evidence" I’ve never considered. I thought it could be a future water-bottle refill station though.
All I know is that I discovered it…or helped create it, and I’ll probably continue my “Mr. Nice Guy” persona and create a few more.
I wonder how many “stone’s” that thing weighs??


Jun 10, 2021
Are you sure that hole isn't where your head landed ! Glad to hear your ok. And Rocky looks fine too thank god !
That's exactly what I was thinking!

Here's the weirdest thing that's happened to me on a bike. It's not often a water bottle falls out these days with the better designed cages, but when they do weird things can happen. Worst part was it was the start of a ride and I lost all my water. Best part was I got a cool photo....



Apr 28, 2018
East anglia
A Rolhoff doesn't actually eliminate the need for expensive dangly sprung loaded chain tensioners Mr Zims has a penchant for collecting sticks with on his travels

oh yes it does No dangly bits on the electric belt drive version


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
A system which can't actually be fitted to an ordinary FS bike?

I don't have any issues with running a derailleur.. Top tip: Try looking where you're going and you wont either.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Top tip: Try looking where you're going and you wont either.
You have to keep in mind .. for the competent, that's like dodging a feather on the wind ..

For the rest of us it's like endlessly trying to dodge buckets or water flung at you and not getting wet...... :)


E*POWAH Master
Jan 15, 2022
Dumb of the day - strictly speaking not E-mtb related yet, but it will be soon.
Went to go out for my regular Sunday morning roadbike ride this morning. Crisp clear Sunday - so ready for it. Lycra'd up and ready to go for it. Went out to garage, unlocked back gate, usual routine. Went to unlock bike.... no keys.....
Turn house / garage / mind upside down, no sign of them. They live on a hook, under a towel and have done so for 5 years, never gone anywhere else - I don't even have to move my feet to take them off the hook, unlock/lock padlock, put 'em back on the hook.
{wanders off looking for angle grinder......if I can find the padlock key for the shed.....}


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
Dumb of the day - strictly speaking not E-mtb related yet, but it will be soon.
Went to go out for my regular Sunday morning roadbike ride this morning. Crisp clear Sunday - so ready for it. Lycra'd up and ready to go for it. Went out to garage, unlocked back gate, usual routine. Went to unlock bike.... no keys.....
Turn house / garage / mind upside down, no sign of them. They live on a hook, under a towel and have done so for 5 years, never gone anywhere else - I don't even have to move my feet to take them off the hook, unlock/lock padlock, put 'em back on the hook.
{wanders off looking for angle grinder......if I can find the padlock key for the shed.....}
Oh-boy. Sounds like you’re a creature-of-habit like some of us. I’m changing my towel habits now.


E*POWAH Master
Jan 15, 2022
Oh-boy. Sounds like you’re a creature-of-habit like some of us. I’m changing my towel habits now.
I've never been an addict ( tobacco & various) but habits - every aspect of my life and really tough trying to break 'em.... and get so annoyed with myself when something like this happens. It was so simple I was in auto-mode and now have no idea what happened 😂😂🙈


Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
I've never been an addict ( tobacco & various) but habits - every aspect of my life and really tough trying to break 'em.... and get so annoyed with myself when something like this happens. It was so simple I was in auto-mode and now have no idea what happened 😂😂🙈
I feel your pain. My anxiety levels rise each time I need to remove the battery on my Trek bike. I keep the keys in a drawer of the tool chest. I also use an app and take pics of my stashed stuff. But I found my iPhone in the washing machine once. It needed a cleaning anyways. 😳


E*POWAH Master
Jan 15, 2022
Found it!!! - embarrassingly enough, under the rear tyre of my hardtail which is next to the wall, with the roadbike chained to it (and the wall). I'd pivoted the bikes out and back on their wheels when looking earlier to see if they had dropped down or were hanging off the chains etc. Never for a second did I think they'd actually be under the tyre. Must have dislodged them when positioning the bikes after locking them together - ha! - It wasn't the bike envy faeries after all!!
Still, at least I managed to work out what off-sets are on e-mtb chain rings and not to try running it on the flat Sram 18t chain ring I bought at the tail end of last week, so not all lost ....


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2022
Peoria, AZ USA
* I live in Spain.

I'm a little surprised that contactless payments (via phone or watch) aren't a thing there. I guess I had assumed they were throughout Europe. The US is often behind on such things, but I can go nearly anywhere now and just pay with my watch or phone. And our state ID is in an app now. So I just don't carry a wallet while riding at all (I ride for recreation, not commuting though).

I've never been an addict ( tobacco & various) but habits - every aspect of my life and really tough trying to break 'em....

Process addiction. It's just as real as substance addiction (and is a form of substance addiction, because your body feeds you various chemicals when you do it). I found one in myself last week and am working at crushing it.

Here's the weirdest thing that's happened to me on a bike. It's not often a water bottle falls out these days with the better designed cages, but when they do weird things can happen. Worst part was it was the start of a ride and I lost all my water. Best part was I got a cool photo....


It looks like you are doing a gear oil change on your derailleur. You should just caption it that and roll with it and see how many people you can troll.

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