People still read magazines?
People still read magazines?
On the EMTB side of things if find MBR do pretty decent and accurate reviews
I still love to buy all the magazines, they are next to the "desk" in my "office" if you know what I mean
Yes, but I find it comes in ones and twosis that where you do all your best work?
That needs two emoticons!Yes, but I find it comes in ones and twos
They're reviewing the bike, not the company: why would you expect them to respond to a beef about Haibike - even if they could in any meaningful sense, which is really unlikely?Given the unwillingness of Haibike to communicate, I contacted two of the bike magazines to ask why they had not covered the Flyon delays and teething troubles given their glowing reviews when the model was first announced. Neither replied.
Not in the slightest bit surprising, but still really depressing.No.
I used to review cameras. The magazines I wrote for made it clear that for every con you had to have two pros. It was contractual.
Ive tested shit camera’s and the reviews came out glowing. In group tests the camera tied to the biggest ad budget would win.
Most products are good now, and for the most part similar. But every now and then we’d see something very new and special and the editor would sit for days wondering how to give a review that was positive without upsetting the people who paid his salary.
I trust my own experiences.
They're reviewing the bike, not the company: why would you expect them to respond to a beef about Haibike - even if they could in any meaningful sense, which is really unlikely?
After all the time I spent reading pornographic magazines as a young man, I now feel cheated and violated ..Every magazine printed, of any genre, should be forced to print "This Magazine is a 100% paid Advertorial, thanks for your £4.50 on top".
The internet, YouTube etc just takes this mistrust to another level.![]()
I decided that I could no longer trust the majority of youtube reviewers of emtb. There are a few gems that appear to be unbiased; trail talk MTB and emtb videos. There are many others of course, but they aren't necessarily regular reviewers. Anything done by EMBN I can always see the ulterior motive of the topic usually in specialized's favor, but more and more to other manufacturer's too. I still watch them, because sometimes they divulge something useful. Although associated gmbn seem to be less sponsor biased, or at least more up front.
that just confused meEMBN:- There is no such thing as a good review or a bad review. One review is not necessarily better than another....... they are just “Different” ?
Surprise surprise, the latest EMBN videoI decided that I could no longer trust the majority of youtube reviewers of emtb. There are a few gems that appear to be unbiased; trail talk MTB and emtb videos. There are many others of course, but they aren't necessarily regular reviewers. Anything done by EMBN I can always see the ulterior motive of the topic usually in specialized's favor, but more and more to other manufacturer's too. I still watch them, because sometimes they divulge something useful. Although associated gmbn seem to be less sponsor biased, or at least more up front.
Now I understand how zimmerframe could feel violated? ? ? And you should...
Remember "Readers letters" & "True readers stories"
I wrote a few and sub edited many more... It's a long story... FAF, but again it had fringe benefits too ?
You weren't that exotic chick with matching upstairs and downstairs beards in "readers wives" were you ?? ? ? And you should...
Remember "Readers letters" & "True readers stories"
I wrote a few and sub edited many more... It's a long story... FAF, but again it had fringe benefits too ?
Do you have image boosting conversations like that with your bees ??One review is not necessarily better than another....... they are just “Different” ?
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