I was thinking about getting another battery for those massive days out when one battery just isn't enough. I was thinking I'd get the bosch powertube 400wh battery and use that for my quick rides after work etc as well as acting as a range extender for big rides, as it would save a considerable amount of weight over the 625wh battery that I currently have.
But looking on the bosch website, it looks like the 400wh and 500wh powertube batteries are exactly the same weight at 2.8kg. With the 625wh battery coming in at 3.6kg.
Seems odd that the 400 and 500wh batteries are the same weight, is this correct or a misprint on the bosch website?
There seems little point in offering the 400wh battery if it's the same weight as the 500wh.
But looking on the bosch website, it looks like the 400wh and 500wh powertube batteries are exactly the same weight at 2.8kg. With the 625wh battery coming in at 3.6kg.
Seems odd that the 400 and 500wh batteries are the same weight, is this correct or a misprint on the bosch website?
There seems little point in offering the 400wh battery if it's the same weight as the 500wh.