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Bosch bdu450cx error 513 & 510


New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Hello. I have an ORBEA WILD FS M20 electric bike. It is equipped with a BOSCH Performance Line CX BDU450CX electric motor. Earlier, I posted on the forum about an issue with the clutch mechanism in the motor at Pedals spinning freely clockwise. After disassembling and reassembling the motor, the old problem was resolved with the help of Bearing Man, but a new issue arose. Sometimes, when idling, the motor starts and then stops repeatedly, creating a knocking noise (video showing how it looks video). I found someone who was able to diagnose the bike remotely. The report showed an error related to the motor: "0x513001 Cadence sensor indicates implausible values." I disassembled the motor again to make sure no dirt had gotten onto the cadence sensor, and it looked fine. After reassembly, the error still persisted. I decided to continue riding the bike with this error, and after covering around 400 km, an additional error 510 started appearing periodically (on the Purion display). I need assistance with possible solutions to these problems. There is no way to contact the service center since I live far from civilization :).

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