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Unanswered Bosch motor, error code 500?


Aug 15, 2018
has anyone else had this? i have switched the head unit off then restarted and code comes back after a few hundred meters? any ideas people???? cheers

Al Boneta

Dark Rider
Founding Member
Jan 18, 2018
It needs to be connected to the diagnostic tool to be inspected, if it’s all false error the code 500 can only be removed with the diagnostic tool.


New Member
Dec 26, 2018
I've had the same issue. The electric motor in your drive unit is dead, irrevocably. There is no way to repair it - too complicated - and since Bosch supplies only a marginal range of parts - motor not included - there is no way to replace it. I have replaced the whole unit, a costly business, but since most Bosch motor units are custom fitted into your frame by default you do not really have other alternatives (you simply cannot use a substitute motor of a different kind because they do not fit the frame schematics). To put is simply, your bike without a Bosch motor is of little value, so buy one ASAP!

If the error code persists - i.e. there is no drive - there is little use having it diagnosed. Since there is a physical defect in the background you cannot cancel/erase the error code (an alternative in the case of such non-material issues as a software update). Anyway, the Bosch diagnostic software that you/we as mortal users have access to offers only restricted access to the unit.

I am sorry about the bad news, I hope your bike is soon back to normal :)


Jan 2, 2021
Anyone else had the 500 fail code on their Bosch Gen4? Mine shut down 3 times on a ride today and it shows 500 in the display. I have tried to restart and all, but still error. Is it for sure needed a new motor unit for this error, or could it be other reasons for this? The bike has 176km from it started running just before Christmas, on a Focus Sam2
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Active member
Jan 6, 2021
Hallett Cove
Had an error 500 come up on my 2021 Jam2 6.8 9 KIOX display today. Googled it, with many varied results. I Rang WillRide who doesn't bother much with BOSCH these days...... Uggh!
So I took the bike home, removed the left motor cover, blew out all the dust, and cleaned all electrical terminals along with the battery connection and charge port. Reassembled.
Then the error was showing 'KIOX battery low'. I actually saw that out on the ride but took it as my main battery power level wasn't registering...Too much of a panic to read it properly I guess.
Anyway, I've always had my KIOX screwed into the mount so it couldn't get bumped off down an embankment and get lost. Anyway, it's been 8300km + since I've had to remove it. But today I did, and this was the cause of my 500 error. Corrosion of the KIOX electrical contacts.
I've taken the bike out for a ride since cleaning all of the electrical terminals now, and it's sorted! So it seems like it was just corrosion on the KIOX electrical contacts after all that.
Just as well I went over the whole system though, as I found a power wire was about to short out on the alloy bracket holding the battery connector. I filed off the sharp edge and taped the wires a bit more. Bit of an oversight on Focus Bikes assembly line for that to happen I reckon. Keep an eye out for it!

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New Member
Apr 14, 2024
Jestem specjalistą w naprawie sprzętu rowerowego, aw dodatku w naprawie oprogramowania z kodem błędu 500 oraz sprzętu baterii BMS-y Bosch. Oferuje usługę naprawy dla rowerów elektrycznych, w tym naprawę oprogramowania, baterię bidon. Kontakt 788-713-542

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