Really hoping someone can offer some advice as I'm finding it really hard to get answers.
I have a Vitus E-mythique with a Bafang M510 motor. I was riding a few days ago. No incidents, then out of the blue the motor stopped and the controller showed a 09 error code. I looked at it for about 10 minutes as I looked up at the massive hill in front of me. With no other theories, I tried unplugging the lead from the controller and plugging it back in. This had the effect of changing the error code to 12. It has remained like this ever since. I've left the battery off and reconnected it but the code 12 is still there.
Any theories/ solutions very gratefully received. Thanks in advance.
Really hoping someone can offer some advice as I'm finding it really hard to get answers.
I have a Vitus E-mythique with a Bafang M510 motor. I was riding a few days ago. No incidents, then out of the blue the motor stopped and the controller showed a 09 error code. I looked at it for about 10 minutes as I looked up at the massive hill in front of me. With no other theories, I tried unplugging the lead from the controller and plugging it back in. This had the effect of changing the error code to 12. It has remained like this ever since. I've left the battery off and reconnected it but the code 12 is still there.
Any theories/ solutions very gratefully received. Thanks in advance.