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Unanswered As a fellow U.K. emtb rider ... I have COVID 19.


Aug 29, 2019
I thought it might be helpful if anybody with an EMTB like me has any questions on what it is like to have. I can answer it here?
as a note I have by U.K. definition the virus. With pretty much a continuous cough that started up on Saturday.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2019
I’ve removed my own post, hope that makes you guys happy. Given time I would have expanded on what I said, your loss.
It's no-ones loss in the slightest and it is impossible to take you seriously when you say ridiculous things like "Given time I would have expanded on what I said". I mean really... why would it be so hard to just provide the evidence in the same post? Simply don't submit the post until you have the evidence ready.

This thread really appears to be bringing out the 'special ones'.


Oct 15, 2019
I've been down and out same symptoms as #lazy all week.. Huge temp for 5 days.!! Heads ache sore throught into coughs the full shebang... The biggest worry is they say ya can feel better then die... So that's not nice.but..17000 in UK got it my fricken arse!!!! I'd not be supprised if half us has or having it right now. Stay safe


Oct 16, 2019
Dublin, CA
I have taken my own post down since it had a hostile reaction. Given time I would have expanded if you were interested, hope you guys are happy. It’s your loss.

I wish everyone well.
And I thought I was the only one doing something similar ? Also, added 1/2 of a juiced white onion to my daily regimen. Staying inside has turned me into somewhat of a shaman. I only go outside to juice my onions (wife’s orders- she hates it).
Sincere, best wishes to the OP and anyone else affected.


Mar 23, 2020
I wanted to find out why.
I found out.
Who else is brave enough to want to know?

We have a couple of Doctors on this thread?
Anything you guys think doesn't check out?

It s a good summary at multiple levels. Well done on finding it . It gets back to your request . Everyone stay home.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Please share it
People need to know the truth about this virus instead of the weak messages from red faced ill looking politicians no one even respects


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
I wanted to find out why.
I found out.
Who else is brave enough to want to know?

We have a couple of Doctors on this thread?
Anything you guys think doesn't check out?
While the majority of facts would seem to check, I’m worried about how the “world famous no.1 weight loss surgeon” is presenting critical information, in the way it is, to many millions of people worldwide outside of his area of specialisation. Weight loss surgery itself has proven to be very problematic in outcomes for a great many patients.

Presentation of facts is key to acceptance and credibility. Jumbled hand drawn diagrams, wonky backdrops and the use of gritty street analogy does not ensure universal acceptance. That provides the potential for mixed messaging and confused acceptance throughout demographics & regions.

Dissemination of such vital public health information needs to be verified, cross-checked and presented in a way that eliminates doubt and reinforces acceptance across platforms.

I am absolutely not in favour of censorship but the highest standards must be upheld in this, the most important of all public health broadcasting in human history, whether old, new or emerging media platforms. An extremely difficult task but certainly not impossible.

We all need to enter a new phase of strictly peer reviewed, science based information moderation & presentation for the sake of all life on this planet.


Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
I’ve removed my own post, hope that makes you guys happy. Given time I would have expanded on what I said, your loss.

Bloody nagging nellies IMHO.
Kind of funny that my post was removed as I have just finished over 24 hrs at a medical centre doing a complete network rebuild to facilitate video consultations and on 3 different notice boards were notices with pretty much what I posted - provided by the local area DHB.

To those that objected to my post - suck it up, or more correctly shove it up.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
While the majority of facts would seem to check
That's all I asked.
Your opinions on the rest of the MD presenting the information, his life, career choices or his presentation style are of no real interest to me though.
The fact it's presented in a way that's very clear and easy to follow and understand no matter your grasp of medicine or knowledge of the human body and it's workings means MORE people will understand it. not LESS.

Dissemination of such vital public health information needs to be verified, cross-checked and presented in a way that eliminates doubt and reinforces acceptance across platforms.
You're a Medical Doctor yeah? You're verifying the facts as laid out, yeah?
That's all that matters.
I didn't post the video blindly BTW.

The message we should all be sharing here still stands.

stay indoors

I am absolutely not in favour of censorship but the highest standards must be upheld in this, the most important of all public health broadcasting in human history, whether old, new or emerging media platforms. An extremely difficult task but certainly not impossible.
I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at after verifying the information is sound.
i'd argue getting good accurate sensible information out quickly is also as important.
He seems to have achieved this.
We all need to enter a new phase of strictly peer reviewed, science based information moderation & presentation for the sake of all life on this planet.
I'm not medically educated but as I said. I didn't post this video blindly.
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2019
Great news everybody. I’m through it and on the 8 day feeling I have been left with is actually like a head cold. Still no gunk. My daughter and wife have had symptoms this last week. They are not asthmatic and have weathered it well all things considered. But I think the NHS guidelines which says after 7 days even with a cough and as long as you don’t have a temperature you can end quarantine. According to other countries you can be contagious still?? Thoughts


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
That's all I asked.
Your opinions on the rest of the MD presenting the information, his life, career choices or his presentation style are of no real interest to me though.
The fact it's presented in a way that's very clear and easy to follow and understand no matter your grasp of medicine or knowledge of the human body and it's workings means MORE people will understand it. not LESS.

You're a Medical Doctor yeah? You're verifying the facts as laid out, yeah?
That's all that matters.
I didn't post the video blindly BTW.

The message we should all be sharing here still stands.

stay indoors

I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at after verifying the information is sound.
i'd argue getting good accurate sensible information out quickly is also as important.
He seems to have achieved this.

I'm not medically educated but as I said. I didn't post this video blindly.
Gary you are totally misunderstanding my point. Firstly I never said I was a medical doctor. That is irrelevant. I said very clearly “While the majority of facts would seem to check…” it’s the next part that doesn’t necessarily check and worries me. “World famous weight loss surgeon”. No need for me to repeat why that worries me.

I did not comment on “his life or career choices” apart from commenting on outcomes of some bariatric surgical procedures and my concerns that his presentation may encourage doubt. Doubt in what are perfectly valid points. This is potentially evidenced by more than a thousand thumbs down responses.

I’m not criticising you in the slightest for posting this, in fact I applaud you because it gave me the opportunity to contemplate & voice my concerns.

Examples of infinitely better presentation, therefore credibility & thankfully much higher view count:

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The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
Great news everybody. I’m through it and on the 8 day feeling I have been left with is actually like a head cold. Still no gunk. My daughter and wife have had symptoms this last week. They are not asthmatic and have weathered it well all things considered. But I think the NHS guidelines which says after 7 days even with a cough and as long as you don’t have a temperature you can end quarantine. According to other countries you can be contagious still?? Thoughts
That's the best news I've heard all day and very relieved for you & your loved ones.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
Great news everybody. I’m through it and on the 8 day feeling I have been left with is actually like a head cold. Still no gunk. My daughter and wife have had symptoms this last week. They are not asthmatic and have weathered it well all things considered. But I think the NHS guidelines which says after 7 days even with a cough and as long as you don’t have a temperature you can end quarantine. According to other countries you can be contagious still?? Thoughts

WHO state that you have to stay isolated 48 hours after your last symptoms have ended. In that period there is a slight chance that you are still a bit contagious.

Nice that you are well again!!



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Gary you are totally misunderstanding my point.
No. I don't misunderstand.
No need for me to repeat why that worries me.
It worries you based on your own intellectual snobbery and prejudices. I get that. I already "got" that.

What you seem to be missing is that the public in general are not as a whole as clued up/intellectually switched on/educated (or however you wish to measure your greater understanding) as you clearly are.

Down votes on youtube mean very little. folk will click/tap a thumbs down for many many reasons. For example. they dislike the information, are worried, dislike the video or are offended by something in it. I honestly wouldn't expect very many of those thumbs down reactions you counted to be because they share your view of a sentence in the introduction blurb under the video about the guy being a weight loss author that you seem to have latched onto in an odd way.
Doubt is in everyones minds right now. The two videos you have linked are presented "differently" the information is the same though. your age, profession, education, culture and lifestyle all have a huge impact on what "presentation" style you connect with. you don't need to tell me your age, proffession, education or background. but have a think about it yourselff and try to put yourself in the shoes of someone from entirely different groups And p;lease stop being be a snob about different delivery styles.

let's just stop this now though. The actual science in all 3 videos is valid informative and accurate. it's the information that's important. Information we all need to be made aware of (whatever the presentation) and Information our own governments are not putting out to the public.
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Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Gary you are totally misunderstanding my point.
You missed mine massively
The video I posted actually explains WHY certain factors such as age, lifestyle, health etc. affect an individuals outcome with the virus.
The videos you shared and hold so highly do not even touch on this.

Sorry. I said I'd stop (and I will now) but I feel this needed to be pointed out to you too.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet


Active member
Nov 20, 2018
Whickham, Newcastle upon Tyne
I thought it might be helpful if anybody with an EMTB like me has any questions on what it is like to have. I can answer it here?
as a note I have by U.K. definition the virus. With pretty much a continuous cough that started up on Saturday.
Hi @Shifty,
Glad to hear your well again mate. I've just seen this thread and had a few questions being a mild asthma sufferer myself. Do you normally take regular medication for your Asthma and did you use any of your medication whilst ill with Corona virus and did it help?
Cheers Brian


Aug 29, 2019
WHO state that you have to stay isolated 48 hours after your last symptoms have ended. In that period there is a slight chance that you are still a bit contagious.

Nice that you are well again!!

Well that’s the British government for you ignoring WHO


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Well that’s the British government for you ignoring WHO

They probably had some ridiculous conversation about it whilst heckling each other before retiring for a cigar and a whisky ..

"WHO said we should continue quarantine for 48 hours"
"I don't know WHO !?"
"Of course you know WHO !"
"Was it Nigel ?"
"WHAT ? no it was WHO"
"OK, When did they say it ?"
"Yesterday, in the briefing"
"So you want me to tell you WHO said What in yesterday's briefing?"
"No, I'm telling you what WHO said in yesterday's briefing"
"I don't know, look, this is ridiculous, it's supposed to be prime ministers question time not prime ministers quiz time, I've warned you all before, it's this time wasting which gives me no option but to declare myself Dictator for the next 24 months".


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2019
Bloody nagging nellies IMHO.
Kind of funny that my post was removed as I have just finished over 24 hrs at a medical centre doing a complete network rebuild to facilitate video consultations and on 3 different notice boards were notices with pretty much what I posted - provided by the local area DHB.

To those that objected to my post - suck it up, or more correctly shove it up.

"doing a Network rebuild"...

"pretty much what I posted"...

Ye gads. However considering your post was deleted it looks like you need to suck it up and get over it, not us. :p


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Nigel was out on his road bike getting the miles in. Nigel is a selfish cunt!
There are a lot of Nigels round this way

Nigel might have been close to divorce and set off for some fresh air .. We all feel better after a bike ride .. Unfortunately, Nigel ran through the things that were annoying him whilst he rode ..

150 miles later, Nigel realised he was hungry and Mcdonalds was no more .. so reluctantly turned back for home...

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