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Unanswered As a fellow U.K. emtb rider ... I have COVID 19.


Aug 29, 2019
I thought it might be helpful if anybody with an EMTB like me has any questions on what it is like to have. I can answer it here?
as a note I have by U.K. definition the virus. With pretty much a continuous cough that started up on Saturday.


Mar 23, 2020
Dear brothers and sisters,
Hope no one is offended by the following simple explanation.
If we want to help our communities, stay home, whether we have symptoms, a positive test or are well. That way we can in no way be responsible for the spread.
If we do not worry about others , or for some ( delusional) belief think we are immune, or that this viral particle can travel 1.9999 meters ( but not 2 meters) or that the viral particle only impacts 60 y old plus ( and not 59 y olds) then leave our homes and pretend that we are in no way responsible for any spread.

Inflammatory perhaps, but said with love.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
With no available test none of you can be sure you're not carrying the virus or anyone you are in contact with is. The more contact you have with others. the more at risk EVERYONE is, This includes breathing on and touching ANY object others come might into contract with.
It's not just "social contact" that will spread this.
I'm self isolating with very mild symptoms. Completely on my own. Away from my kids who are with thier mothers (my Exs).
My girlfriend who I usually see daily and stay together with half the week is also self isolated (alone in her house with her kids) with mild symptoms.
We haven't seen each other since the weekend BEFORE either of us had any symptoms when we decided it best to stay at our own houses (10miles apart) and both being single parents "social distance" separately. This wasn't an easy decision but travelling between families would definitely have increased risk.
I won't be able to see any of my loved ones for weeks.

Meanwhile the local (to me) shared cycle path you'd previpously have been lucky to pass one other person on is busier than Tesco on a Saturday morning with new converts to outdoor "excercise". excercising their new "rights".




E*POWAH Master
Feb 11, 2019
With no available test none of you can be sure you're not carrying the virus or anyone you are in contact with is. The more contact you have with others. the more at risk EVERYONE is, This includes breathing on and touching ANY object others come might into contract with.
It's not just "social contact" that will spread this.
I'm self isolating with very mild symptoms. Completely on my own. Away from my kids who are with thier mothers (my Exs).
My girlfriend who I usually see daily and stay together with half the week is also self isolated (alone in her house with her kids) with mild symptoms.
We haven't seen each other since the weekend BEFORE either of us had any symptoms when we decided it best to stay at our own houses (10miles apart) and both being single parents "social distance" separately. This wasn't an easy decision but travelling between families would definitely have increased risk.
I won't be able to see any of my loved ones for weeks.

Meanwhile the local (to me) shared cycle path you'd previpously have been lucky to pass one other person on is busier than Tesco on a Saturday morning with new converts to outdoor "excercise". excercising their new "rights".



Get well soon mate. (And @Shifty and others too)


Mar 23, 2020
Dear Brothers and sisters ,
Test kits are a waste of time. You test Sat at 8am . You return negative . You think “ I m going out “. You return home 3 hours later . Do you then test again when you return home or do you test the next morning or the next night or every four hour s or or or or etc.

Test kits can be misleading . They are not 100 % effective . They have false negative rates ( tell u that your negative when your positive ) , U May take time to sero convert ( your body takes time to respond to the viral particle you breathed in ) etc
If you want to think about/ help the community , stay home except for essentials Helping the community is more than just not spreading the virus . The sooner infections slow down , the sooner those who have lost their jobs can start working and paying their rent again.

If you want to think about yourself , self test and go out.
Otherwise , pl stay home


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 14, 2019
Dear Brothers and sisters ,
Test kits are a waste of time. You test Sat at 8am . You return negative . You think “ I m going out “. You return home 3 hours later . Do you then test again when you return home or do you test the next morning or the next night or every four hour s or or or or etc.

The tests that are due to be available in the U.K. are the opposite of this.
They test to see if you have Covid antibodies in your system - which will tell you whether you have HAD the virus.

Once you have these antibodies, you have had the virus - and won’t catch it again (in the next few years apparently). By this time, there should hopefully be an immunisation so that no one will catch it again.

This is supposed to be available in the next week or so once the final testing is complete.
It will allow those who ‘think’ they’ve had it to know whether they’ve had it.
Looks a bit like a pregnancy test - but you prick your finger and dab a dot of blood on it. It’ll give you a coloured line with your result.

A local place that did one of our baby scans is already offering this test - at a cost of £135. The results only take 10mins.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2019
The WHO has dropped the ball so badly and so often with this that I am starting to ignore anything coming from them.

Firing up a remote desktop server at one of my clients this morning they reckon most of that is actually helpful common sense info based on current info. If you don't follow all the other precautions like wearing a mask and proper hygiene it won't help much.

Most of all:
STAY AT HOME as much as possible.
Washing hands is important, but if you wear short sleeve shirts - wash all uncovered skin - especially if you are one who leans on counters or door jams etc.
If you are someone who touches your face a lot - use sanitiser often.
If you, a muggins on an internet forum, think you know better than the experts at the WHO, then you are truly delusional and unfortunately one of the many ignorant people who spread misinformation that the medical and scientific community fight against.
Dear Brothers and sisters ,
Test kits are a waste of time. You test Sat at 8am . You return negative . You think “ I m going out “. You return home 3 hours later . Do you then test again when you return home or do you test the next morning or the next night or every four hour s or or or or etc.

Test kits can be misleading . They are not 100 % effective . They have false negative rates ( tell u that your negative when your positive ) , U May take time to sero convert ( your body takes time to respond to the viral particle you breathed in ) etc
If you want to think about/ help the community , stay home except for essentials Helping the community is more than just not spreading the virus . The sooner infections slow down , the sooner those who have lost their jobs can start working and paying their rent again.

If you want to think about yourself , self test and go out.
Otherwise , pl stay home

Dear "brother" (cringe)... what are your credentials for advising us on the accuracy of COV tests? :)


Mar 23, 2020
If you, a muggins on an internet forum, think you know better than the experts at the WHO, then you are truly delusional and unfortunately one of the many ignorant people who spread misinformation that the medical and scientific community fight against.

Dear "brother" (cringe)... what are your credentials for advising us on the accuracy of COV tests? :)

If it helps , I m a medical ( doctor ) specialist ,

By the sounds of it , I ll stick with just asking
For e mtb help as it seems comme
Ring is annoying people


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
By the sounds of it , I ll stick with just asking
For e mtb help as it seems comme
Ring is annoying people

No. You shouldn't take any of it personally and let it influence what you do and don't post.

People are just concerned and are naturally becoming defensive because they're worried about false information. With anything on a forum it's also easy to miss interpret what someone is saying as often it lacks context, the millions of things we do when talking face to face and everyone reading something can be in a different mood at a different time.


Mar 23, 2020
No. You shouldn't take any of it personally and let it influence what you do and don't post.

People are just concerned and are naturally becoming defensive because they're worried about false information. With anything on a forum it's also easy to miss interpret what someone is saying as often it lacks context, the millions of things we do when talking face to face and everyone reading something can be in a different mood at a different time.
Thanks Zimmerframe , all good with me . I m not taking it personally . Being a newbie to the forum , I did not want to upset others. It s great value reading the advice of th e various contributors


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2019
If it helps , I m a medical ( doctor ) specialist ,

By the sounds of it , I ll stick with just asking
For e mtb help as it seems comme
Ring is annoying people

Think about how it looks, you are a medical doctor so in theory should be very intellectual. You started calling people "brother and sister" and giving medical advice like "test kits are a waste of time" which is absolutely ridiculous and obviously NOT TRUE. Many medical tests are not always 100% accurate and yet are still considered reliable enough in combination with general diagnosis.

Also before now when I challenged you, you didn't even tell us that you were a doctor... so did you just expect us to trust your words as gospel? ANYONE can just go on to the internet and say they are a medical doctor (and people DO lie about things like this), so until I see reasonable evidence that someone is indeed a doctor then my default stance is not to trust that someone is a medical doctor just because they write it on an internet forum.

And no I am not trying to be aggressive I am trying to make you understand how your posts look from another perspective and why you should not take it personally that people do not trust your words by default, in a time when there is so much misinformation spreading around by anonymous people on internet forums.

Oh by the way... I'm a doctor. A 'specialist' (but I am not going to say what type). Trust me. :)
Last edited:


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Trust me .. I'm a doctor ....



Oct 1, 2019

By the sounds of it , I ll stick with just asking
For e mtb help as it seems comme
Ring is annoying people[/QUOTE]
Hope comme ring isn’t contagious ! Sorry but someone had to ☺️


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2019
From the research I have read, which I believe is from a reliable source, you can help protect yourself by taking Black Elderberry (usually in liquid form), zinc and copper and raw crushed garlic. The ratio of zinc to copper should be 15 to 1. Foods which are naturally high in zinc are oysters and copper can be found in 75/90% dark chocolate. Interestingly the Corona virus doesn’t survive on copper for more than 5 minutes. Same applies to other metals that are copper alloys.

Sugar/honey/fructose causes your immune system to be lowered, so should be avoided.

Trumps claim that Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine treats the Corona virus is unproven and may makes things worse.

More details and links can be provided.
Please don't just say "more details and links can be provided" when making unsubstantiated claims about homeopathic health treatments, please just use common sense and provide the links and evidence without being asked.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2019
From the research I have read, which I believe is from a reliable source, you can help protect yourself by taking Black Elderberry (usually in liquid form), zinc and copper and raw crushed garlic. The ratio of zinc to copper should be 15 to 1. Foods which are naturally high in zinc are oysters and copper can be found in 75/90% dark chocolate. Interestingly the Corona virus doesn’t survive on copper for more than 5 minutes. Same applies to other metals that are copper alloys.

Sugar/honey/fructose causes your immune system to be lowered, so should be avoided.

Trumps claim that Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine treats the Corona virus is unproven and may makes things worse.

More details and links can be provided.

This kind of junk should not be spread. Hope admin removes this content. It is dangerous and it is false.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
From the research I have read, which I believe is from a reliable source, you can help protect yourself by taking Black Elderberry (usually in liquid form), zinc and copper and raw crushed garlic. The ratio of zinc to copper should be 15 to 1. Foods which are naturally high in zinc are oysters and copper can be found in 75/90% dark chocolate. Interestingly the Corona virus doesn’t survive on copper for more than 5 minutes. Same applies to other metals that are copper alloys.

Sugar/honey/fructose causes your immune system to be lowered, so should be avoided.

Trumps claim that Hydroxychloroquine or Chloroquine treats the Corona virus is unproven and may makes things worse.

More details and links can be provided.
This is totally bogus and should be deleted, so much false facts are floating around on the big internet. I would love to see the scientific evidence backing up your so called good advice?

Do not post anything unless scientific links to a trustworthy organization is provided!!!!



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Luckily it's still there quoted for us all to read (and make up our own minds about)

I'll read it properly when I finish pouring my crushed elderberry, oyster, garlic and dark chocolate smoothie into my brass goblet


Dec 10, 2019
I have taken my own post down since it had a hostile reaction. Given time I would have expanded if you were interested, hope you guys are happy. It’s your loss.

I wish everyone well.

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