Since buying the bike from day one I have been very conscious of not sitting on the thing and letting it take me for a ride, years ago I persevered with my old mtb and became the fittest I have ever been, unachievable climbs became achievable and nothing got easier I just pushed on further, I think eventually that novelty and pain wore off.
Fast forward 15 years from 35 to 50 years young the e mtb bug has bitten. I have to confess with the crap weather and not being well over the last two weeks has seen the bike sat in the garage unused ,I can feel my fitness level going down the pan already
I totally get why some people don't wont to even sit on an e mtb encase they discover that all that pain and effort they have endured disappears in the push of a button but the reality is they could have both with a little self restraint .
One day I will go out on the bike and just have a laugh and do the hole ride in turbo mode but for now I'm just glad to be out and getting fit .
Which leads me to my thread title, I have a small park route I do every other evening just for fitness, its painful but I guess eventually I might be able to get round the hole route with the bike turned off . Does anybody body else use there e mtb for fitness or am I missing out on all the fun
Fast forward 15 years from 35 to 50 years young the e mtb bug has bitten. I have to confess with the crap weather and not being well over the last two weeks has seen the bike sat in the garage unused ,I can feel my fitness level going down the pan already
I totally get why some people don't wont to even sit on an e mtb encase they discover that all that pain and effort they have endured disappears in the push of a button but the reality is they could have both with a little self restraint .
One day I will go out on the bike and just have a laugh and do the hole ride in turbo mode but for now I'm just glad to be out and getting fit .
Which leads me to my thread title, I have a small park route I do every other evening just for fitness, its painful but I guess eventually I might be able to get round the hole route with the bike turned off . Does anybody body else use there e mtb for fitness or am I missing out on all the fun