My first ride yesterday with new 203 freeza rotor. When I replaced the rotor, I also replaced the pads - the spring had just started to scrape. It wasn't my usual steep up and down ride, which is good - I'll explain. We did a ride that was a gradual 12km climb along the side of a ridge to the side of a mountain. Coming back the same way was a fast xc type ride - not a huge amount of braking. I figure that was a good break in for the pads. I'll soon know the difference when I do my regular steep ride
. Yes, good value upgrade though, as far as braking power and better cooling, even just with a larger disc. Mine wasn't an emtb type rotor - I had to epoxy a magnet to one of the arms. It is just a 5mm x 1mm magnet - tiny, but still works!