This bike has been unbelievable and I loved it until…
It started to shut down just for a split second on climb’s then it progressed to a flashing red light at the top and a limp mode instigated. Turning bike off for a second and back on reset everything and I am good to go for about 10 minutes, then same problem. This is happening on every ride now and currently Giant has no solution to what they are saying is an overheating motor problem. Does the new Yamaha x-3 motor have an inherent problem ?
Have a look at this thread; 2022 Trance X Advanced E+ 2 randomly shuts off? - EMTB Forums
Now my amazing ride is unreliable and no longer rideable sitting in the corner waiting….
It started to shut down just for a split second on climb’s then it progressed to a flashing red light at the top and a limp mode instigated. Turning bike off for a second and back on reset everything and I am good to go for about 10 minutes, then same problem. This is happening on every ride now and currently Giant has no solution to what they are saying is an overheating motor problem. Does the new Yamaha x-3 motor have an inherent problem ?
Have a look at this thread; 2022 Trance X Advanced E+ 2 randomly shuts off? - EMTB Forums
Now my amazing ride is unreliable and no longer rideable sitting in the corner waiting….