2 years warranty plus 5 years reduced cost of replacement motor? Have I missed something? Or am I way out by expecting 7 years out of a bike? My acoustic bikes are 8 yo and still good. This is all new to me.You’re kidding, right?
2 years warranty plus 5 years reduced cost of replacement motor? Have I missed something? Or am I way out by expecting 7 years out of a bike? My acoustic bikes are 8 yo and still good. This is all new to me.You’re kidding, right?
Have read all the books that come with the 2019 6.8 jam and the only warranty offered is on the frame. But it seam others with problems are being covered for at least 24 months on none frame parts. Hop that's the case.High Rock Ruti
E13 is a pedal force error code restart
E10 is power interruption, my E8000 was the power from battery to motor, at 18 months you should be warranty most warranties are 24 months
Warm Regards Ruti
Have read all the books that come with the 2019 6.8 jam and the only warranty offered is on the frame. But it seam others with problems are being covered for at least 24 months on none frame parts. Hop that's the case.![]()
Thats mostly xc, I never connected bike to the steps app, so updates couldn't spoil things, was all good until the dreaded wo10 & wo13 appeared, once that appears its only a very short time before a replacement motor is needed, got a refund & now searching out a reliable model to replace it.Vitus e-sommet E8000 motor, 4.7k miles in 18months, in all weather including water upto middle of wheel, winter is my fave cycling season.
Sounds like it can't keep up with your hot talent !My august 2020 bosch gen 4 cx has just broken at 350 miles. The motor itself seems fine, but the kiox display has just started showing a 'kiox overheating' error and won't switch on, so the whole bike is currently useless.
Sounds like it can't keep up with your hot talent !A rare error, be interesting to see what the outcome is.
I can't do this as a poll, so I'll have to update the first post manually, so either put your information in the thread or PM me if you don't want it on the main thread..
This isn't a competition so there's no need to make anything up and there's so many other possible variables that it won't be conclusive but it should give some general ideas of what the motors are capable of life wise - in ideal circumstances (the ones with the highest distances presumably were made without defects and looked after perfectly).
When I say other possible variables, for instance, it might be that 80% of yamaha type buyers only ride up gnarly steep stuff and only ride once a month, so they don't cover huge distances. This information hopefully will just give an overall guide for comparison and it's upto you how you interpret the information.
I'll work it in KM's (just because), so if you have miles either divide it by 5 and multiply by 8 to get KM's or put it in Miles and say Miles and I'll convert it.
This is only for Mountain bike orientated motors. If you accurately (not made up over a beer) know of other distances of friends/family and likewise - failures include that also.
In the Failure section, also include failures caused by physical incident. Whilst every circumstance is different, at some point we will all be throwing our bike down a mountain or hitting a rock and ideally you'd like the motor to survive.
If I've missed a motor off or a motor type you think should be listed separately, just name it as such and I'll edit the list.
For distance covered, I won't bother with anything less than 1000km or I'll be spending all my time updating itIt won't include any of the new 2020 motors like the new Yamaha or Bosch. These can go on next years and the information from this year can be compared.
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High Rock RutiI can't do this as a poll, so I'll have to update the first post manually, so either put your information in the thread or PM me if you don't want it on the main thread..
This isn't a competition so there's no need to make anything up and there's so many other possible variables that it won't be conclusive but it should give some general ideas of what the motors are capable of life wise - in ideal circumstances (the ones with the highest distances presumably were made without defects and looked after perfectly).
When I say other possible variables, for instance, it might be that 80% of yamaha type buyers only ride up gnarly steep stuff and only ride once a month, so they don't cover huge distances. This information hopefully will just give an overall guide for comparison and it's upto you how you interpret the information.
I'll work it in KM's (just because), so if you have miles either divide it by 5 and multiply by 8 to get KM's or put it in Miles and say Miles and I'll convert it.
This is only for Mountain bike orientated motors. If you accurately (not made up over a beer) know of other distances of friends/family and likewise - failures include that also.
In the Failure section, also include failures caused by physical incident. Whilst every circumstance is different, at some point we will all be throwing our bike down a mountain or hitting a rock and ideally you'd like the motor to survive.
If I've missed a motor off or a motor type you think should be listed separately, just name it as such and I'll edit the list.
For distance covered, I won't bother with anything less than 1000km or I'll be spending all my time updating itIt won't include any of the new 2020 motors like the new Yamaha or Bosch. These can go on next years and the information from this year can be compared.
View attachment 17692
Happy New Year Ruti.High Rock Ruti
Happy New Year Zimm
I am to understand that I represent the entirety the 4 motors (I Lost)at less than 1000 KM, I feel so "special"
Warm Regards
Wasn't it at the top of page 1?.............. I stuck the stats up here somewhere .. can't remember where though !............
No .. that was just the stats from this thread which relied on people reporting failures - which most people didn't.Wasn't it at the top of page 1?
Happy New Year Ruti.
Nope sorry, your magical ability to go through motors like bambam goes through ladies was not noted on the fails. Only ones reported in the thread were.
I did a parallel private survey where I took all the failures reported on the whole forum over a year and used that to work out what % of motors actually failed. Have deleted it all now though as there was quite a lot of information on people which wasn't fair to keep. I stuck the stats up here somewhere .. can't remember where though !
From what I recall, at the time you were winning, the next highest was only 3. There was obviously an incompatibility with certain people's riding styles/environments which just didn't work with the brose 2.1 motors. Might be fixed now ... who knows !Maybe next time try your pedals/cranks at 180 degrees to each other rather than parallel -it will be far easier to pedal !!
Are you going to try another one ?
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