Good morning!! I have a 4LEAF bike with Bafang M600 and DP C18 CAN display. The problem started with difficulty turning on the bike. Sometimes I had to remove and replace the battery until it stopped turning on.
The battery was tested on another bike and it was ok. I bought the Besst tool and a...
Bom dia Velleto e Caio. Poderiamos tentar um grupo no what para usuarios brasileiros. Temos um grupo de pedal e somos 13 bikes com bafang M600. Estamos com problemas em 03 bikes (não ligam). As baterias estão Ok. Já compramos 02 placas controller e o Besst tool não consegue fazer a conexão com...
Hi neeko.
We have a cycling group and we all bought emtb with Bafang M600. We are having problems with 03 bikes. They don't turn on. I bought the Besst tool and 2 new controllers. I changed the controller but the besst tool cannot read the new controller so it can do the calibration. I don't...