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  1. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Just my opinion, we will find out...but I predict everybody will be wrong about these "rumors" in 1-2 years. (Call me out for being wrong, and I will own that.) Just my gut feeling. Of course, that is a Prediction, for which the outcome, I have no idea,, don't bet on that, the casino...
  2. Bikedriver19

    Hows everyone getting on with their New AMflow

    yep, I agree, first thing I did was replace the bar and stem. one up or put something like a Renthal Fat Bar, on it, ...and it makes a big difference. Rock Solid. intially I got the creak in the cranks too, .. grease it, ...maybe they didn't use enough in production.
  3. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    Hi Gordon, Mine was super "draggy" too....when brand new. I would also agree, its likely just seals and I would guess also, the grease "packing in" to the gearing.. For me also, smoothed right out, after some riding and "breaking in" Not sure if I agree any "drag" is from the motor...
  4. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    Ha! :) nice to feel like, Ned Overend, right?... just an "old" guy killing it, on the trail. Nice, I've never got 37 miles so far, but I am pretty much always riding on turbo. Cheers "Ned"
  5. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    Yeah, I agree, ya know, I have found you definitely don't need to ride on turbo with your buddies on a bosch,,shimano, or similar, ....well......unless your buddy that you are riding with, has Olympic skill & fitness.... One of my best friends, (that I ride with most of the time) , has that...
  6. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Then You must know the efficiency, that both systems operate?. Curious, if you know?, let us know. My buddies on bosch and shimano, pretty much get the same range, and/or ..most of the time, I beat them. I haven't seen the law of conservation of energy, broken. Man, the efficiency, is all...
  7. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    I'll let you know, when I beat the hell out of this bike, and it shits the bed. Hasn't happened yet, but I admit, its new still.
  8. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Power is Power. The fact is, power = pi/30 X speed X torque, considering efficiency. Speed and torque is inversely proportional. Its a fact, that all that matters is total power, at the end of the day.
  9. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    because they are putting out the most watts / gram at the moment, Its pretty cool.
  10. Bikedriver19

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Yeah bud, what world do you live in? Some care and I love it. The more power, the better. Cant' wait to see the future! Bikes will just keep getting better (more powerful), I think.
  11. Bikedriver19

    Dji avinox- Amflow

    I am addicted, and I agree, "auto" at times, it really nice, for the battery life. I've only been using it once in a while, but it seems pretty efficient, when I do.
  12. Bikedriver19

    How many miles (or km) do you have on your AMFLOW?

    Hey Guys, this is a post about miles and proof! Let's keep it on track, shall we?.
  13. Bikedriver19

    Dji avinox- Amflow

    I was thinking ...All DJI has to do is bring it up to 48 V, and a few other things. That would mean a Higher torque constant and lower speed constant for the motor ...but they have overhead in speed, as I can tell from delimiting it. Then there are a lot of other things, they could do, to...
  14. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    regarding range, I found it pretty interesting, that when riding with my buddies on a bosch (when they are riding on turbo, and I am riding on turbo), we get more or less, the exact same range, with more or less, the same % left. Of course, I am putting out more power, with more battery...
  15. Bikedriver19

    setting dji to new zealand location

    I mean, you are right, NXZ is one of the best places on earth. I love your ebike "laws".. probably going to move there sooner than later.
  16. Bikedriver19

    setting dji to new zealand location

    Because its FUN! I can't think of another reason to ride this thing... outside of fitness and a good workout.
  17. Bikedriver19

    Dji avinox- Amflow

    I found, replacing the bar and stem, made a big difference in the feel.... I got the same fat bar on my bike, feels great, super solid.
  18. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    yeah, I know what you mean, a buddy of mine, thought there was something wrong with the bike, when I first got it.... a lot of drag and friction in the system. I could feel it. After riding it a bit, however, it "breaks in" ... noticeably a bit smoother now. Probably the grease packing in...
  19. Bikedriver19

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    No problem, je na Pal francias tre bien....or something like that. Happy trails in France, my friend. Get one, and I am sure, you will love it. Ja amour tre bien.