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  1. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    Minor update: I received the warrantied wiring harness and battery from Shimano (via Canyon) and haven't had a cutout since replacing both. While I'm near positive that the battery wasn't the problem (recall that I had tried a second one from the original and still had cutouts -- I'm skeptical...
  2. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    I've finally connected with a helpful Canyon technical support rep (I'm in the US) and he has been working with Shimano via the warranty claim process. Shimano thinks the problem is the battery+wiring harness (the wire that runs direct from the drive unit to the battery) and are sending me...
  3. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    Well....bummer. New battery is not the answer. Another ride (using the alternate battery) and unfortunately additional power cut-outs. :( Again, no faults in the drive unit logs. And, like the other events, it doesn't occur until later in a ride (60%+ of the battery consumed). Only guess I have...
  4. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    An update on this: My bike had its second comfortable stay at my LBS for a number of days (8+) where a whole lot of nothing was done (I won't call out the LBS specifically nor say that the delay was all on them). Only thing that was done was to pull a report for Shimano. I acquired an alternate...
  5. hctagalong

    anyone gone back to a normal bike?

    I bought an eMTB September '23 and ended up selling both of my acoustic MTBs late spring '24. The eMTB is just too much fun! Do I need an eMTB for my local trails? Nope. But the speed and 2 to 3'x the number of laps in the same amount of time sealed the deal for me. The eMTB brought back the joy...
  6. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    @steve_sordy Good question.My LBS said that they visually inspected the wire runs and didn't find anything. As for fault codes, I don't receive any; not on the display and not from the drive unit. They plugged it in to eTube Pro and claimed to have run some diagnostics with all systems passing...
  7. hctagalong

    Shimano EP8 stops working while riding - no fault in log?

    I'm the friend with the same problem. Had my LBS (a Shimano authorized dealer) dig into it. They didn't find anything after checking for pinched wires, bad connections, etc. No related code(s) being thrown; there was one error about the firmware so they refreshed that (to version 4.3.0). Went...