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  1. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    I'm glad that in the end you solved the problem .. now to enjoy
  2. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    you have to ride it backwards from how it came mounted of origin .. as seen in my photo .. you will see the mount that is very separated from the sensor. That way the bug in my e caliber was solved.
  3. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    I would put the original magnet on you as Trek tells you in the last recall .. I see that you put another magnet and it goes very close to the sensor .. that is the problem. Surely, if you put it as I wear it, it will go perfectly with you.
  4. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    Nor do I take the original discs and I changed the original position and everything worked perfectly .. previously I put a photo of how it was.
  5. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    I have already turned the magnet and tested, it already marks the real speed without offset, therefore it cuts the speed at its programmed speed. This weekend I will try 3n the mountain.
  6. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    Thanks for the information .. tomorrow I will change the position to verify if the error is solved and I will comment on it here.
  7. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    I also changed the brakes and discs..the wheels are the same, the sensor magnet when going screwdriver to the disc always maintains the same position..the only difference may be the thickness of the disc and that it varies some mm in approaching the sensor but within the same position..the...
  8. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    Of course, the first thing is that they solve it ... but that they have been involved for so long with breakdowns is not their thing ... by the way, what solution did they give in Fazua of the sensor?
  9. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    From the first month, everything was problems with my e Caliber ... now only this remains unsolved ... knowing that there are already more units with the same problem, partly better because it is not an isolated case. I sent an email to the technical service to see how they handle the issue ...
  10. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    Español Inglés On my e Caliber 9.6 I cut off the assistance before the corresponding speed, here in Europe it is 25 km / h. I realized when I put the fazua application on the Garmin that it marked more speed than the real one .. besides moments of marking 8 km / h and instantly 18 .. verified...
  11. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    I hope it is solved quickly and you can enjoy the E caliber
  12. ifcbikerpro

    No E-Caliber love?

    Buenas tardes, desde Marzo que compré una Trek E Caliber 9.6 puedo decir que muy contento con la bici y eso que ya desde el mes de comprarla me dió 2 problema, la tija telescópica que hacía ruido y a fecha de hoy no me la enviaron desde Trek por falta de stock, y el sistema Fazua.. después de...