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  1. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Hi @shockwave , Sorry for the late reply, I completely missed your message. I will take a look, thnaks for the suggestion.
  2. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    I appreciate your input, but maybe people failed to realise that ones frustration has a strong effect in that you essentially become angry at the wrong people. I apologise if I have offended anyone, that was definitely not my intention. All I wanted from my post is answers/suggestions as to why...
  3. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    My bike shop unfortunately doesn’t have any.
  4. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Do you have any suggestions where I might find such failed motors?
  5. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Your comment is pointless, no one forced you to read through the thread.
  6. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Also, if the motor happened to fail right after the update is an even bigger reason for Specialized to want to examine this closer and offer to replace under warranty. The fact that they include many safety precautions in their firmware means a failure like this should not happen just because a...
  7. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    I’m sorry but when someone goes into attack mode right away instead of trying to be constructive with their criticism warrants a similar response. Like I already said, if you have any reasonable explanation as to why my motor failed I would be more than happy to accept it, but all you’ve done is...
  8. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Thanks for you input. I appreciate your knowledge on this. At the end of the day the motor failed directly after the update, meaning I only turned on the tcu and did not try riding it. That it would detect current loss is out of the question as there was no load on the motor. I’ll agree to my...
  9. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Throw in as many fancy words as you oh fearful yet benevolent master of the English language want, the fact remains unchanged. Like I said, good luck to you and I wish you all the best, and this is me being sincere. If you find it necessary to tell someone who doesn’t share your opinions to “go...
  10. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    You are clearly a master in systems design, yet you clearly deflect. You quitting automation and control doesn’t seem to have been voluntary.
  11. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    The battery is good and charging yes. So the only issue right now is the motor controller.
  12. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    As a counter point, I wasn’t aware at all of the warranty being an issue when installing the lamp because I knew that there was absolutely no way that there was any sort of chance of electrical failure/bricking unless this was purposely done through firmware manipulation, which is exactly the...
  13. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Dude if you have any concrete knowledge in systems design I would be more than happy to hear what you have to say, you’re refusal to enlighten me on the subject though suggests otherwise. Specialized tells me I have to replace the entire motor assembly for a simple bricked controller, that...
  14. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    The lamp is directly connected to the battery, therefore a burnt power rail seems unlikely especially since the lamp simply piggy backs on the can high and low signal wires. Either way I will definitely check that, thanks for the help 👍
  15. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Specialized’s. They modded the firmware to make sure someone who has such an accessory bricks their bike. They did not need to do that and they defo did not advertise this change. They did something which in my eyes is despicable and should own up for purposely making a change that would brick...
  16. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    My point is that they fucked up my bicycle knowing full well that that’s the case but refuse to take responsibility.They are full of bullshit trying to convince me that the lamp has in anyway done any damage. The bicycle was working before the update, hence they damaged my bike and should...
  17. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    That really sucks man. Every company out there with an emtb have their own design so that the possibility for cross-compatibility is much zero and every aspect is controlled to the end, that way they make sure they earn as much as possible from the people who actually buy their products. Just...
  18. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Do you even know any electronics? If you’re suggesting that a simple undervoltage or overcurrent event can cause a system to crash catstrophically then you clearly have no clue about systems design. Are you even aware of how lithium packs are designed to work? Do you realise that the motor is...
  19. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Me mentioning that the bicycle is expensive has nothing to do with how much one should be allowed to mess with it. I’m only pointing out the fact that it’s expensive because I expect a slightly more extensive response than a simple you installed something that is not authorised therefore the...
  20. P

    Levo Gen 2 Dispute with Specialized

    Exactly! Specialized does allow you to perform the update yourself via the mobile app, but whether the update was corrupt and bricked the motor or whether the firmware bricks the motor when they detect some unauthorised device I don’t know, but luckily there are third party dealers that sell...