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  1. Plummet

    The brain melter

    So.... I have a few locations i ride at which are pretty much all single track up and down. They are really technical climbs and descents. At those locations I like charging as hard as I can for as long as I can. The ups the downs the flats are flat out full time full focus all the time. There...
  2. Plummet

    Continental Argotal Enduro

    Hey bro's Anyone got time on Argotals? I'm coming into winter and looking for a rear tire for wet slipper roots and loam primarily. There will be a token amount of hardpack and rocks, But 90% will be loam and roots. I'm looking at 2.6 enduro wall soft compound. Don't want to go super soft...
  3. Plummet

    That'll buff out.....

  4. Plummet

    E Bike train.....

    Choo choo choo.....wocka wocka wocka Ah haha. Smashed a km or so on a train track at full pace full power. So much fun. Man that voima suspension is freaking awesome.
  5. Plummet

    Pole Bankrupt

    Any truth to this rumor?
  6. Plummet

    E-Bike racing

    So I've dusted off my race face, last time i raced dh in anger was 20 years ago, been chasing my boy around racing and infact organising local dh race series old school farm paddock style racing. So far I've podiumed each time in the E division. Dh1 3rd Enduro 2nd DH2 2nd I'm not as crazy...
  7. Plummet

    Show me your airtime

    Are you getting your wheels off the ground? I want to see it. Show me your airtime! One photo per post. I'll start.
  8. Plummet

    Challenge - 1000m of vert climb/descend in an 1.5 hours

    OK e Mofo's here's a challenge for you. 1000mtr of vert up/down in 1.5 hours. That's 3333ft for the imperial types. Oh,,,, one rule. You can't go down the same track twice. Got to choose a different track to go down each time. So its not just lapping out constantly the same efficient track. You...
  9. Plummet

    Anyone blowing through speed sensors?

    I've got the mini rotor magnet speed sensor. The first one lasted 6 months and just stopped working. Now 3 weeks later ive blown through a second one...... Hmmm. It's going start getting expensive if thus keeps on happening.
  10. Plummet

    Bosch walk mode turned to shit after update. How to roll back update?

    Hey bro's Got the speed sensor replaced at the bike shop because it got damaged. The shop it a software update and since then the walk mode has been absolutely useless. I suspect it was the software update. I want to roll back the update to see. But i cant find any way to do that. I'll get...
  11. Plummet

    Polished my Pole and gave it a make over.

    New 11 speed link glide group set Replaced the seat. Installed upgraded visionvelo mud guard and dagger dropper guard. Plus new rubber front and back. 2.6 Big battery super gravity rear 2.5 Max grip assgay dd.
  12. Plummet

    Eco sucks!

    I've decided eco sucks. It basically offsets the weight of ebike and that's it. You end up going pretty much at mtb speeds. If I want to ride at mtb speeds going up I'll ride my mountain bike instead. Thar is 11 kg lighter, more playful and a blast to ride. So.... the only time I'll use eco...
  13. Plummet

    Ride wrap.

  14. Plummet

    Wet log motor assist.

    My biggest chagrin with full fat e mtb is when riding downhill tracks at dh speeds you hit motor cutout right at the wrong moment sprinting in to a feature. It's then like pedaling a wet log. 25kg bike with 160mm cranks. Combine that with sweet fa pop compared to the 10kg lighter meat bike...
  15. Plummet

    Show me your Meat and E quiver .

    Righto team take a photo of your quiver of bikes, both meat and e. I'll start the ball rolling. I'm rolling Pole 23 Voima in mullet mode goes the E and 2017 Rocky Slayer for my meat bike. I'm about 50% on each bike. Mainly because I'm one of the first adopters to e in my crew. When riding...
  16. Plummet

    How many km/ before changing a chain and drive train?

    Hey team, How many miles/km are you getting on a chain, how many chains to a cassette? How many km before you replace the cassette and front ring? What gruppo are you running? What are your conditions like?
  17. Plummet


    So...... Yesterday I went to my local bike park and slammed 14 laps of black trails. Jumps, drops. tech steeps. vert height is pretty small per lap maybe 80m vert. Then clocked out that bike park and went to the next one and smashed another 5 runs there (around the same vert per run). All...
  18. Plummet

    Auto mode burns burns more battery that tour mode.

    Went for a 2 day session and rotovegas with a mate with a brand new (22) trek rail 9.9 750hw battery with eco,tour, emtb and boost mode. I have pole voima 2 months (600km old) with newer smart system 750wh battery eco, auto, emtb, turbo modes. We are both a similar weight. He is maybe 2kg...
  19. Plummet

    Towing and motor wear.

    Hey team, Is there any evidence that towing people will wear the motor out sooner or damage the motor in some way??
  20. Plummet

    What is your most used mode?

    Looks like emtb is my most used mode followed by auto mode.