Search results

  1. Sander23

    How much torque on Shock bolts

    I have a haibike fullnine 10, I gave my shock an aircan service today, when installing the shock I noticed I couldn't find any torque setting of the frame bolts. I've searched the www for an hour but there is nothing to be found of torque settings. I've messed up treads on my old bike before...
  2. Sander23

    Which cycle glasses?

    I'm looking for some cheaper cycle glasses as I don't want to spend 100+ euro's on it. I'll be using g it to keep the mud and bugs out of my eyes and some small light filter would be OK to. I saw some on aliexpress that looks like the more expensive brands. Anyone uses them? Wich one ?
  3. Sander23


    What mudguards can I fit here , and is there enough space for one to fit? Not looking for that huge mudhugger
  4. Sander23

    My view on the bikespeed rs

    I have been running it on my old bosch gen 2 for 12500 km my bosch gen 4 for the past 1800km and no errors so far. Motor support is unlimited and i dont have to set a max speed to avoid erros, no problem when I have a commute day and do some higher speeds for longer times. It's easy to...
  5. Sander23

    Battery fell out

    Today I was on a ride, after 80 km I switched to the seccond battery. It clicked into place locked it with the key. Was on my way home on a cycle path and After 10 km the battery fell out and smached onto the ground . I tried installing the battery again but there has come so much play on it...
  6. Sander23

    What Oil in my shock

    I have bought some ROCKSHOX Maxima Plush Damping Fluid Charger 3 WT for my rockshox pike ultimate. Going to do a 50 hour service in the upcoming weeks. Now I was wondering if I can use it for my shock to? It is for Rock Shox dampers, suspension forks and charger cartridge I have a rockshox...
  7. Sander23

    Pin size on a stamp 2 pedal

    Currently running the crankbrothers stamp 2 Large pedals with 8mm prins. They are awesome but I do not like the length of the pins. I would like to get some shorters ones. How can I now wich one fits?
  8. Sander23

    Is this normal on a shock?

    Its my first full suspension bike, so dont shoot me for asking this question. Im seeing some oil building over the O-ring in the shaft. It's a lot more oil than what you normally see on a front suspension, so I'm starting to worry about it. Is this a normal thing? It's only my 3th ride on it...
  9. Sander23

    World record on a normal mtb

    This is insane. Holding the bike straight at such a high speed. would be very interesting to see what the internals like hub and tires brakes looks like
  10. Sander23

    My brand new E-fully

    After crossing around 11000 km on my haibike sduro hardnine 7.0 I suddenly came acros my new bike. A haibike fullnine 10. Went to see it, rode a little test drive on it and took it home ride away. It's my first ride on a fully and was sold ride away. It's an upgrade in every way. From The...
  11. Sander23

    Second hand battery

    Im about to buy a second powertube 625 battery second hand. The seller says it's from showroom models ( as they put a new battery in the showroom model when it gets sold). It has been tested a 94% full charge. But how can I see how old the battery is?
  12. Sander23

    Decathlon stilus all mountain

    Anyone know when ot will be available? Looks pretty good.
  13. Sander23

    Bosch battery loose

    Lately I have an issue with my bosch powerpack 500. Wherever I shake it or when im on a ride it rattles. Who has any knowledge on how to tighten the clamp or battery meganism?
  14. Sander23

    Sram jockey wheels with cage installation

    Got this kit with jockey wheels and cage for my sram mech but haven't found a manual on how to place those jockey wheels direction. Also there is this screw in the kit wich I have no clue where to fit it.
  15. Sander23

    Frame problem, help required.

    I have a problem with the threads if the frame where the motor is mounted. My frame is a hardtail frame from haibike. Some time ago I got a second battery installed by the shop where I bought my bike. All good and well until I installed some wired lights to My bosch where I had to drop the...
  16. Sander23

    Bike wash and disc brakes.

    So lately my disc brakes are insane noisy. Both the disc and the pads are brand New, bedden in and ridden couple times. Because it's insane muddy this time of the year I have to wash my bike every time I come home. Wherever I do, I let my bike airdry at 20°C . When I take my bike out the next...
  17. Sander23

    Bosch service kit

    I have a bosch gen 2 and I want to get the service kit. I'm near the 10k km mark and the motor has become a bit noisy. I've never touched the motor. Anyone on here that fitted it yourself? Are there any special tools needed? And did you also replace the left side bearing? Also an other...
  18. Sander23

    Brake problem, need help from experts

    Last week I had a crash and snapped off my whole brakelever from my back brake Have magura mt4 brakes. Got a new one with 2 finger lever, changed to a 1 finger lever. installed it and did a full bleed with the caliper loose from the frame, also got new brake rotors and brakepads. Went for a...
  19. Sander23

    Boeshield t9 wax experience?

    As title says, anyone got experience with this chain wax?
  20. Sander23

    Iight activation?

    I want the light function activated, if I go to a bosch dealer to get it activated what needs to happen? I've got my bike deristricted for 2 years (problem free) and never had an update never got an an error , but if I go to get the light activation will they automatically update the bike as...