Nice bike. I’ve now upgraded to the TM but when it’ll arrive is anyones guess. Freeborn in Horsham still have a TM in medium in stock if anyone wants one.
I bought the Borgen bleed kit from Amazon in the end. Seems pretty good though I haven't actually used it yet. Comes in a plastic box so hopefully I won't lose any of the bits😀.
I saw those piston freeing plastic blocks on line the other day where it holds in three of the pistons and let's the other sticking one extend when you gently pull the lever. Might get one of those in case.
That was a very helpful video so many thanks for posting that. In it he mentioned always buying the four separate pads rather than two sets of two joined together. Does this really make a difference and can anyone recommend some good general pads?
Nice tip. I've not really looked at how easy a main bleed is yet because I'm still waiting for the bike, but if a quick mini bleed can help things that sounds good to me.
A couple of years ago I caught a peddle on a root down the really stoney bit of the old Summer Lightning. I didn't even have a chance to let go of my bars before my face hit the floor. That hurt quite a bit but nothing a bit of superglue at A&E couldn't for me it's my face that hits first.
I emailed Invisiframe today about a kit for the 160 and was told that something was in the pipeline in the near future as they're currently designing one for it, so maybe hold out as long as you can?
The thing that I'm not sure about (Rob might know?) is whether all manufacturers are having the same problem? I'm assuming they are, but it just feels like Cube seem to be suffering more than most, but maybe that's just because it's the brand I'm paying more attention to. I'm not sure whether I...
My 160 is now delayed again until July.
After a wait like this it'd better be the most amazing bike the world has ever seen...... and it had better not have odd brakes.