great! As for the frame and battery size, it's great that you found a good balance between weight and cost. Sometimes, having a lighter bike can be more beneficial than having the biggest battery.
I can definitely relate to how cross-training can enhance your performance in different sports. I started playing PP after reading the benefits of these, 10 Best Ping Pong Paddles - Expert Reviews (Spring 2023) As a Ping-pong player myself, I've found that regular cycling has helped me with my...
A few Levo SL owners I know rave about their vehicles. I really understand the concept. I've had a quick ride on an Orbea Rise, which was fantastic even though it wasn't as thoroughly integrated as I would have liked (plus the rear tyre clearance was, in my opinion, subpar, and I never require...
great information here:) Dabbling with the idea of buying a “half fat” eMtb (rise, Levo SL, etc) to get more trails in for the same amount of effort on a normal bike. I road ride more miles a week than Mtb, so am hoping that fitness won’t suffer too much.