Thanks again ?
I do have the 1.3S motor on my 2016 Levo. I purchased a new motor recently as an upgrade from the 1.2 that came in the bike. I wasn’t aware Belevo had this capability (I’ve never looked into it, hence why I wasn’t aware).
I recognize it won’t ever be exact, yet it will be...
So for clarity, if I have my LBS set my tire size to my measurements that should seemingly correct the speedometer being off - do I have that right?
Thanks so much,
Hi, I have the wheel circumference set at 2255mm - I don’t have any other choices in the MC app. After completing a quick measurement (thank you @jbodnar for the idea) I come up with 2181.225mm (85 7/8”).
It would seem I could ask my LBS to make the adjustment in the software, is my thinking...
Hi, I compared the speedometer readout against my phone running a GPS speedometer app and my riding partner uses Strava.
I had hoped the recent TCD update would’ve fixed the issue, yet that isn’t the case :-(
Hi all, both MC and my new TCD report nearly 2 MPH fast. I’m running the stock 27.5 wheels and the TCD is updated to the most recent software/firmware.
I wondered if others are experiencing this and if so, what you’ve done to correct the issue?
I was thinking of asking my local LBS to change...
@HGmtb have you been able to update your TCD and if so did it correct the speedometer/odometer issue of being incorrect?
Please let us know.
Be well,
Hi, I updated my TCD close to the release of the update and that seemingly is what started doubling the miles not only to my rides, but to my new motor (new 12/12/2020). I am glad to hear that updating your TCDs took care of your issue, I wish I had the same experience.
I've been to my LBS...
Seems I may be the only guy left trying to solve this issue... On the phone again now with Rider Care trying to get more answers...
@Specialized Rider Care - do you have any new information you can provide toward this issue? It seems more and more that a firmware update has caused the...
Hi all, I spoke with Rider Care again today and it was suggested I have my battery updated - which I did and I am still experiencing the problem with the speedometer and odometer readings being grossly off. Another call to Rider Care and it was suggested I ensure that the Levo Software...
My wheels size is set to the factory 2255mm (original 27.5s), I doubled checked that today at my LBS via the Specialized Software and based on Specialized Rider Care's suggestion in regards to sorting out the problem. I bought the TCD specifically because I don't use another computer or app to...
Hi again all, I spoke with Specialized Rider Care by telephone today (I'm in California) and was informed the problem is a "known issue" with first generation Levos. The customer service rep stated he would send me some tips from a "turbo specialist" that have been known to help. Seemingly...
Hi all, I am having a similar issue - both my new TCD and MC app aren't showing/reporting correct information. In addition, the speedo sticks at certain readouts during a ride and the odometer is adding miles that don't exist. On a recent 9 mile bike ride, the TCD and MC app report the ride...
My TCD has been goofy out of the box (new on 12/2020) . I recently updated it (new process as of 12/15/2020) and that seemingly added to my issue. Both the speedo and the odometer are grossly off. Mission Control has joined the issue and now my bike has more reported miles than are actual :-(...
Try repeating the process - I had a similar experience when trying to update my TCD. My TCD even got stuck "connecting" after the update occurred. I eventually reset the TCD (knowing I had the latest firmware) and re-paired it to the bike. Hope this helps.
Be well,
Hello all, I am experiencing a similar issue with my Levo and new TCD. I received a TCD as a Christmas gift and it has not worked properly since installed. The initial ride it reported incorrect distance. I updated the TCD and reset it several times and am still experiencing the same issue...
Hi all, anyone know of a silicone cover or otherwise available for the TCD?
Not that silicone would save it from a nasty crash, yet it would be nice for it to have some coverage.
Thanks and be well,
Hi again, thanks for this info - it’s very helpful. I will be pursuing a concern with my LBS for my Brose motor that’s making some noise. I am happy to know that there are alternatives should I need them.
Thanks again and be well all!