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  1. SLOTownLevo


    Sure would be nice if the batteries could be rebuilt/repaired. I suspect the one I have with cell out of balance issues only has a few bad cells. I can see the next criticism from the cycling community - e-bike riders are not only ruining trails, they’re ruining the environment with their not...
  2. SLOTownLevo


    I have gen 1 battery from 2016 where the switch cover/control pad fell off as well. I was finally able to find a replacement cover from a specialized dealer in Nevada. No one else could help me..? The battery is still alive and kicking at this point :) I also had a GEN one 2016 battery with...
  3. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 1.2 motor to 1.3

    I recently upgraded from at 1.2 to 1.3s in my 2016 levo. Cost me just under $800 with specialized sliding scale extended warranty replacement. I noticed a decent difference in power between the two motors. Nothing huge but definitely noticeable. I also noticed that the 1.3 sounds a bit more...
  4. SLOTownLevo

    Price of new or refurb Brose 1.3 motor ?

    Does anyone have experience with a non Specialized motor being flashed with Specialized software/firmware? I’m not sure this something that can be done at the dealership level... I believe the non Specialized Brose motor will function in the bike, yet you wouldn’t have peripheral controls via...
  5. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 Brose 1.3 Motor Failure not covered by warranty

    Hi all, the 1.2 motor in my 2016 Levo was making some noise with only 450 miles on it. I was able to utilize Specialized’s extended warranty sliding scale coverage as the second owner of the bike to purchase a replacement. I was offered a 25% off discount toward a replacement motor. The new 1.3s...
  6. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 Brose 1.3 Motor Failure not covered by warranty

    Unfortunately, I believe the extended warranty from 2 to 4 years only applies to the newest motor as there was a software issue contributing to the motor failure. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Be well, Mark
  7. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Thanks! It is odd that I had to continue to adjust the wheel circumference down to 78” to get the TCD to be close to correct - that’s several inches off the actual wheel size. Interestingly - the hours I spent talking/emailing with Specialized Rider Care no one ever asked me my wheel size...
  8. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    I have persevered! I found that by adjusting the speed limiter setting slightly in BLEvo it has the effect of making the wheel smaller and since I only needed a slight adjustment, I was able to bring my wheel size down to 2019mm as reported by Mission Control. I marked out a mile with my car...
  9. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    BLEvo was a lot less complicated than I had thought it would be ?. Bummer is I need to adjust my wheel size below 2100mm and that appears to be the limits of BLEvo - unless someone can direct me otherwise ? Thanks, Mark
  10. SLOTownLevo

    The Official BLEvo Thread

    Hi, old post however to set the wheel circumference back to 2255 using the Light Blue app you enter 0200CF08 in the second to last field in Light Blue. Hope that helps, Mark
  11. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Gotchya- will do. Thanks so much! Cheers! ? Mark
  12. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Thanks again ? what year is your Kenevo? I’m finding a lot of BLEvo “test” vids on YouTube. Any suggestions of where I can find some “how to vids?” Maybe it’s just a download and fiddle with it process. Mark
  13. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    I’m going to go for it. Heading over to YouTube now for some research. My Levo is a 2016 (w/1.3s motor) so I’m curious to see if BLEvo will work on my bike... Thanks so much for keeping the conversation going- so appreciate the help and insights. Kind regards, Mark
  14. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    It’s hard to keep a steady speed as the GPS updates. I tried two different apps and both had their own version of lag. I think using distance would best to figure out what my actual margin of error is.
  15. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    This helps! Thank you ?
  16. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Thanks! I may end up close to that since I’m already at 2125mm and am in need of more adjustment. Being particular (read OCD) is a pain in my arse... Be well, Mark
  17. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Nice one - all good points - thanks ? @jbodnar - I did update the TCD before beginning the process - shortly after the update was released. I didn’t measure the roll out whilst on the bike and can understand how adding weight would make a difference. I’m still hung up on the the fact that...
  18. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Hi, I think I’m being conservative about being .5 mph off, as the gap seems to increase as speed increases I recognize that it’s not much, that being said I’d like to know how far I’ve ridden without having to run/manage yet another app - after all I did just spend $90 on the TCD ? I’d also...
  19. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 TCD Display erratic, occasionally logs 10X compared to odometer

    Hi all, I am still trying to solve this issue so this is my update: I removed the Peartune device that was not suppossed to have any effect on the speedometer/odometer only to find that both the speedometer/odometer were still incorrect. Since removing the device I am at least not seeing the...
  20. SLOTownLevo

    Levo Gen 2 ***>TCD/Mission Control Too Fast***<

    Hi all, I was nervous about making changes with BLEvo and thus took the bike to my LBS to make the changes to wheel circumference. I believe anytime you hit "diagnose" in Mission Control that data is logged and accessible to Specialized, not sure how that would all work with using BLEvo... We...