I got M600 motor last week and for comparison there is my motor Nr. MM G521.500.C11 and on controller CRX10N.500.FC 3.2 (Software version CRX 10NC4818il32 046.7) - if someone would compare those numbers with his M600 motor to check what version is it. I don't know if I got the newest with...
I got information regarding my order - motor will be here this week, frame shod be finished in 2 weeks (ordered end of January) and for the battery they don't know exactly when will be on stock :confused: but frame and battery will be shipped together.
I also got 4,2% but I ordered directly and paid this to Paypal - at Paypal this is assurance fee - if you send money as friend this should not be charged (but I sleep better because of that 4,2%).
Waynemarlow - at battery pack I can see just + and - wires connected to BMS and further to Batteries. I cannot see any additional CAN electronic or connections. Did I understand wrong, that for M500/M600 motors you need some sort of additional connections/electronic to work with home made...
Hi, I did not got any parts yet. I should get tracking number when it will be shipped.
An just my commnet to
I will try to put some Viton Tube over (cannot say if there is enough space) - head a bad experience with those twisted rubber - it moves/stretched apart and cable/tube can then be...
Just information to those who ordered frame&motor set - Dengfu should get new motors (they say the newest one) in next week. So add 3 to 5 weeks for transport and we all can drive mid April. Ordered M600 at last days of January, all parts are waiting in garage.
Best regards from Slovenia,