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  1. SL76

    Norco Range/Sight VLT Cheap Plastic Motor Guard

    Have you got some pictures to show... of the extra protection that you have just order ??? Sorry i didn t understand. Thank you.
  2. SL76

    Norco Sight VLT

    Norco Range/Sight VLT Cheap Plastic Motor Guard any one whit this problem???
  3. SL76

    The best e-bike I've ridden - Norco Range VLT C1

    Any one with this problem with Norco Rangr/Sight VLT??? : (
  4. SL76

    Norco Range/Sight VLT Cheap Plastic Motor Guard

    Hi everyones ,here Sergio from Turin (Italy).. Can someone can tell me how I can fix the issue with the bottom plastic motor protector mounted on The Norco Range/Sight??? I broke it last Sunday descending on a rock... ps* any Idea how to repair it???new plastic or alluminium cover Thankz ...