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  1. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Eplus: what a hustle!😂 Like a said: Bobra rules. Original, cheap, simple and satisfying. 🚀
  2. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Still using the original (no resistor at selfmade coil and base transistor). Did run 800km so far. No hick ups. Made one for my friend (also a pole Voima) with resistor coil and at base transitor. Same spot coil as mine! No hick ups also. 🚀🚀🤪. The Bobra rules✊.
  3. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Hi Timothe, Or you have a spoke magnet or rotordisc magnet which triggers the sensor. There are plenty smart system tuning devices on the market that are placed between the input motor and output sensor. Or you have a smart system with an internal sensor (like mentioned before) and a rim magnet...
  4. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    And what about a transistor that can handle more than 0.8 Amps? Less affecting the position of the coil.
  5. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Well, I'll keep my bobra as it is, without resitors😏. If it stops working I know what to do👍
  6. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    I guess the magnetic force will be less when placing a resistor in the coil and thus the position of the coil would be more precise?
  7. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    The placement of the coil of my friends bike is now good with my megabobra. And I have no issues at all. So I'll make another arduino for my friend and I'll put a resistor in serie with the coil. The coil now has a resistance of 2.4 Ohm (R = rho copper * 10m / A) so adding 10 Ohm should do the...
  8. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Hey Koekie, great device! I'm riding with the megabobra with no issue. I build one for a friend mine. He seems to have issues. We're playing with the position of the selfmade coil, but we also noticed that the transistor is becoming that hot that is melts the case a little bit. So soldering a 1k...
  9. Sander

    Ha Jeroen, Ja, ik rijd al ca 300 km met de megabobra (zo noem ik de device, ter ere van...

    Ha Jeroen, Ja, ik rijd al ca 300 km met de megabobra (zo noem ik de device, ter ere van megabobra die het heeft bedacht ;-)) zonder problemen. Het is een hele mooie simpele oplossing, zonder dat je het circuit onderbreekt met een tuning device. Je fopt de sensor met een eigen opgewekt magnetisch...
  10. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

  11. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Hi X-team, A friend of mine designed and printed the case. I'll ask him to share me file 😏
  12. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    I have cut the original Bosch slim sensor: only 2 wires. Check!
  13. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Maybe if you use a second reed switch: a bosch speedsendor plugged into the motor and let the electromagnet fire this reed switch? Or maybe there is a way to attach the cuted wires from the speedsensor (that is still plugged into motor) to the Arduino and the Arduino will tell the port is on or...
  14. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Maybe, that if we instead of firing the electro magnet we could attach a another reed switch that connects the original input speedsensor. But then you are back to the point Bebiker mentioned: a third party device. I believe it's not possible, if you're running the smart system, to go to a Bosch...
  15. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    You are right! Hmmmm, let me think :cool:
  16. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Megabobra and I have an internal speedsensor, but we by passed it by making the configuration you already have :-)
  17. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    Hi Uktonyb77, With your external sensor and magnet on your rotor, you can easily make a Megabobra ;-) You can use your Bosch sensor by cutting the wire aprox. 10cm before entering the motor. Rewire the wire with some connector. Use the same connector to connect it to your sensor input on your...
  18. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    I ride with a 1.4 multiplier. Is enough for me. Do you mean >1.4 need the updated code? Or to smooth things up it's better to update the code?
  19. Sander

    Derestricting bosch smart system

    I used 10 meter of wire 0.3mm. Turned it approx. 110 times (full 10m length) around a pipe with 25 mm diameter. See picture for the sweet spot placement. The magnetic field is facing outwards. (Turning it the other way around gave an error and the motor stopped working. So I think the field was...