As you know, you can peddle the bike minus motor power. When I do this, i can feel a slip 'inside' the motor. It's very intermittent but it's happening for sure.
Ok - thanks guys.
Unless I'm mistaken, this is a simple lithium ion battery build any RC car guy could do within a aluminum water bottle? Maybe I could pay Danny for the wiring harness and build instructions?
Thoughts anyone?
My buddy has a Kenevo that feels as if it slips inside motor when peddled. You can drag the front brake hard (power is OFF) and feel a definitive slip inside the motor area. The chain wheel is fine, checked spline, checked hub body.
Feels like a belt slip inside motor?
To each their own - not meant to offend:)
I guess if I'm going to 'bike' on a trial I want something which is as close to a bike as possible even if it's a DH bike. If I wanted a moto to go down I guess I wouldn't choose a 'bike'. A DH bike with a battery seems somewhat redundant unless the...