With all the motor warranty claims I have been reading about with the mag s brose could this be a cause of the smaller mag case? They basically took the same internals and put them in a case 15% smaller. If you pull up a side by side pic of the 1.3 vs 2.1 mag there seems to be far less clearance...
I can see how it might sound crazy but I almost always ride with my bike off. I ride with non ebiker's and we ride at a slow clip and average 10-15 miles a ride on trails with climbing. Motor gets turned on to explore or if I don't feel 100%. Nothing better than having someone say your cheating...
It amazes me how a state that allows people to purchase marijuana smoke it then proceeds to drive a 3000lb car or truck with no way to test for being high is ok. Driving a e bike on trails however is a grave crime. So people that can only mountain bike with assistance are forced to give it up...