What max power readings in watts are you guys getting with the M510 and with the M600? I have the M500 now but i want something more powerful and can't decide which one to get.
@Kyokushin Is there also no decrease in power with battery discharing? I know a lot of firmwares have this to save battery - max allowed amperes decrease gradually, in my opinion a very useless function when most batteries on EU bikes are so OP for that weak motor.
@Kyokushin Is it this one? CRX10NC3617i142017.7-28-2230-20200911.bin at Bafang_M500_M600/Firmwares/Official/Motor/m500 at main · OpenSourceEBike/Bafang_M500_M600
@pushkar Do you know any new information when a controller or either a whole M500/M600 is going to be available from Innotrace? I am based in Czech Republic and i would like to swap the stock M500 on my bike for something more powerful as soon as possible. Battery is 36V 630Wh but i have a...