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  1. P


    Decoy 230x65 mullet
  2. P


    Hello, does anyone know the dimensions of the spacers of the axis of the damper because the service yt did not want to answer me by explaining to me that changing the damper canceled the warranty... Thank you because I would like to buy a new shock absorber and keep the old one to be able to...
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    with or without mudguards?

    Top your shock , or you bought it?
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    with or without mudguards?

    It’s true that level look is t special , I also tend to prefer without, I thought it could protect a bit, I’ll try with a few days and after I think I’ll remove it
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    with or without mudguards?

    It is true that from your point of view this yours, after I live in the south of france it rains about 20 days a year and I never ride in as much mud as you It’s especially level look, I always put mudguards at the front but at the back c is the first time
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    with or without mudguards?

  7. P

    Dimensions of the 2nd tool package and loader

    Ok thanks Astom?
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    CHAINRING 32 teeth instead of 34

    Ok Thanks
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    CHAINRING 32 teeth instead of 34

    Has anyone ever put a 32 tray in place of the 34 and does that not indicate an error message? I would like to try a 32 in 104 mm steel instead of the 34 Thank you
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    Dimensions of the 2nd tool package and loader

    hello, I still have not received my 2nd package with covid problems, it is at the post office but as there are many packages the letter carrier asks me the dimensions to be able to search more easily. Can you tell me the dimensions of the 2nd package, whether it is large or small? Thank you
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    Increase angle of headset butts

    Hello, I wanted to know is it possible to increase the angle of the buttés to have a little more room for manoeuvre? Thank you
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    Yt decoy without charger and tool kit

    Ok thanks :-)
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    Yt decoy without charger and tool kit

    I bought the bike on private sport shop on sale at 3600 eur and I have to go through them, I don’t think yt will answer me directly So I’ll wait until Monday to contact them
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    Yt decoy without charger and tool kit

    Ok thank So right now I can’t use the engine? There are 2 bars on the battery
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    Yt decoy without charger and tool kit

    Hello I my name is poupy and I am French so I use a translator:-) I got my yt decoy base yesterday without the battery charger and without the toolbox, did that ever happen? And are the Shimano chargers compatible because I have friends who do? Thank you